第二次上Philip的Yin Yoga,七樓大教室約35個人,內容卻與我上次上的完全不同,更有張力。
Philip以Good morning, welcome to yin yoga開始,問Any one first time in yoga class? 可愛的秀秀姐竟然一個人舉手哩,老師是要問真正的新生啦,哈哈,Philip說in our body, we have two kind of energy, one is Yang energy, one is Yin energy, Yang energy happen in anything you can see in your eyes, which mean your skin, your muscle, the hair, your face, your wrinkle come from a Yang energy, even your take a surgery, you open the body, see all the organs within, everything you can see is Yang energy. Yin is something you can't see, but you can feel, you can think about you go to the supermarket, you can see the fish, the beef, the port, they are meats, they are so different than you, because you have Yin energy inside your body, that's why we don't need to inside the refrigerator, and still can keep fresh, ha ha.
So in Yin yoga, basic balance in Yang and Yin, so everything right now is Yang, all the yoga class in the big yoga mat you can see all Yang, but this class is very settle, so we hold the pose for longer of time, and you are very settle, even you are very flexible, or you are very strong, don't worry too much, you just hold there for five minutes, just feel the inside and just sink down all the way, and think less, ok? Same for five minutes. Fold your legs, fold your hands, close you eyes, 放柔你外在的皮膚與身體, relax outer body, and grows the Yin, grows the inside, grows the feel, 3 oms start the class, take deep class, 不過起音大家有點不對Key, 怪怪的OMs, ^_^lll...
Namaste開始, both legs forward, point the toes forward腳尖往前, flat you feet and your heels forward腳跟往前, circle the ankles, feel move from inside of the body, try to feel the meaning of the toes from big inside, that's it, and reverse, other circle, 從內在的身體慢慢的去動一動腳趾, come back to the center, now seat on your knees, let your hands down touch the floor first, and now I want you relax the muscle from the ankles and your feet, 可以放柔你腳的位置, now keep the hands down, shoulders back, chest arise, 閉上眼睛, start to reduce the body weight from the hands, feel the muscle of your fingers move away the floor, now...