秀秀姐這節也來囉,我旁邊是湘怡,我沒猜錯,下午兩節Hatha 1她都會上,是Philip的忠實粉絲。我還聽到其他同學說前一節Philip的Hot Hour候補到三十多哩,結果看到Philip這節課穿長袖進教室,是因為熱瑜珈下課後覺得比較涼嗎?^_^lll...
Namaste, hello everyone, welcome to the Hatha 1, how are you today?是Philip上課前的招呼語,他說today is so hot, 我們進了教室就已經成了hot yoga, 哈哈, it's good, it's my last day in here, I will go back to Hong Kong, I will give you all I have, everything I know, and let's do everything, 哈哈, yoga have more than around five thousands different poses, let's do everything today, everything two seconds, 哈哈哈, in our body, we can make different category, some is forward bend, some is back bend, some is inversion headstand, these kinds of stuff, and have one category I feel is very good for today, it's twist (我聽到時簡直要昏倒,因為我最怕扭轉~^_^~), twist is body neural element, it can be very challenging, when body is cold or stiff, we need twist, or very tired, twist is also good, so twist is neural maintain for both, see I will try to teach all the twist poses, 哈哈哈。
Please standing up, 腿打開腰的寬度,fold your hands and close your eyes, main principal of twist is inhale lengthen then exhale you twist, now inhale lengthen your body, through the inhale push your legs down, lengthen your body in every different directions, thought the inhale take a long breath in, 嗯不太協調的三聲OM~Namaste.
Inhale straight arms up, put your arms down by your side exhale, fold your hand on the prayer, inhale push down and lift at the same time, 感覺腳往下紮跟、手往天, 再一次吸氣手往上,吐氣手放下合掌胸前, now from your inner body become soft and brightly, inhale straight your arms up, extend the inner you become so long, first Uttanasana exhale and bow, put your hands under the kneecap, 手放在膝蓋下,吸氣往前延伸一半,感覺腳跟往地紮根,屁股往後,頭往前,保持這個感覺,吐氣往下,hands on the floor保持手放在地上, hands on the knee, abdomen in,吸氣延伸,吐氣前彎,your inner body become so bright, not the inhale, not the exhale, inhale and exhale lengthen together, 這次保持手放在地吸氣往前延伸,保持延伸的感覺來作吐氣and bow, one more, inhale half way lift, exhale bow everything down.
Step your right leg back, left leg back, drop the knees down touch the floor, 慢慢把下巴往前看、彎手肘,身體往下按到墊子(要很習慣日港混合式的中文),保持呼吸把你的腳往後,膝蓋伸直,腿伸直,放柔你的身體,在每個吸氣的時候,慢慢感覺肩膀往天,保持那個感覺,inhale come cobra, soft your heart放柔你的心, melt your heart sink down to the skin of the chest, feel your weight of heart sink down, now your peeling shoulders back, pulling your shoulder blades and your back muscles back and lifting up, draw the all way down now, tuck the toes and go back child pose and relax.
Inhale coming up, step your right leg forward, left leg forward, exhale put your body down, 腿永遠打開腰的寬度,吸氣inhale straight up, all the way up, going up,站起來,吐氣bow forward all the way down,half way往前延伸一半,exhale and bow going down,兩腳往後膝蓋按地,慢慢眼睛往前看,彎手肘往下,把身體慢慢往下,腳伸直,腿往後,放柔身體的重量,吸氣的時候身體往後開look up,打開你的每一個手指頭,看看你的手指,Index fingers往前方,keeping that, shoulders back a little bit more, 膝蓋往前推向你的胸,把手往後推向你的腳,保持手和腳往中間集中,再慢慢打開肩膀多一點點,往天看(Philip特有語言),and now downward facing dog下犬式,眼睛往前看,左腳往前、右腳往前inhale, exhale bow all the body down, inhale come all the way up straight up high, exhale bow the body down, interlace the hands behind手往後扣, 每一口吸氣的時候,用你身體肌肉的力量往中間集中, 現在把膝蓋彎一點點, 吸氣抬頭一半往前看, 保持那樣的感覺, 下巴和胸往前延伸, 再把手肘彎一點點, 保持膝蓋和手肘彎, 現在把你的肩膀往後很多, 把你的大腿和屁股的肌肉往後很多, 保持所有的肌肉往後集中, 在吸氣的時候把腳伸直, 屁股往天, 手肘伸直, 胸往膝蓋延伸, hands down touch the floor and pause, step your right leg back, knee down, 右腳往後膝蓋按地, inhale coming up, stretch high,打開你的手指, palms facing forward, 手掌往前一點點, 保持手伸直, shoulders back肩膀往後, 感覺像下犬式一樣, 手掌打開, 手伸直, 肩膀往後,心溶化, hands down touch the floor, downward dog下犬式, make heels high and bend your knees a little bit, 再把手用力的往地推,感覺肩膀與手往下延伸,離開耳朵,把屁股往天推,把心往膝蓋慢慢融化,眼睛往前看,右腳往前,左膝蓋按地,inhale and rise up, palms facing forward right now, make your legs go strong, lift the chin, make chin up, leave the shoulders back, exhale hands down touch the floor, 往前走inhale腿打開腰寬度,手指往後扣and bow falling down, hands down touch the floor.
Step your left leg back, knee down, 左腳往後膝蓋按地,inhale come up, all the way stretch up high, 手只用力的打開, 現在把手往前一點點, 感覺背部肌肉往後收緊, 肩膀往後才慢慢的把手往天, 感覺從你的背慢慢把你的身體往後作一個簡單的後彎, hands down touch the floor, 下犬式, 當你肌肉往中間集中的時候,感覺你的肌肉從手指延伸到你的肩膀,保持背部收緊的感覺,每一個吐氣,把你的心和手掌往地紮根,把你的能量放在骨盤上,屁股往天多一點點(Chops怎麼沒教Philip說臀部可能稍微文雅些哈哈),眼睛往前看,左腳往前,右膝蓋按地, inhale come up, stretch up, this time bend your elbows彎手肘,下巴,手肘與肩膀三個地方同時慢慢的往後, 再把你的手延伸,腿用力的往下紮根,再把手往後延伸,作一個後彎的動作,hands down touch the floor, inhale step forward, interlace the hands, and bow falling down, inhale come up all the way up high, full stretch.
Exhale bow all the way down touch the floor, 眼睛往前看, inhale抬頭, 右腳往後右膝蓋按地, strech up, come up, hands down touch the floor, 下犬式, full stretch, hands down, 手和腳用力的往後延伸, inhald forward平板式,保持腿往後的感覺,慢慢眼睛往前看,彎手肘往下,身體貼在地上,腳趾往後, inhale眼鏡蛇, tuck the toes, back to downward dog, 眼經往前看, 右腳往前,左膝蓋按地inhale come up, hook the thumbs together, 手指互扣, bend your elbows, squeeze the legs腿用力的集中, squeeze the shoulders back,尾椎往內收, 右腳跟往地用力的紮根,and arms back手伸直, 用力的往後,吐氣hands down touch the floor, inhale腳往前走, 手指往後勾and bow, inhale come up, all the way up full stretch, then hook the thumbs right now, pull your chin up, exhale bow all the way down touch the floor, interlace the hands behind you, left leg back左腳往後膝蓋按地,inhale come up,打開你的手掌,感覺你的肩膀用力往後,下犬式step back downward dog,打開手指,inhale forward平板,保持腿往天,屁股往後延伸的感覺,眼睛往前看,彎手肘going down, inhale come up cobra pose, exhale go back,眼睛往前看, left leg forward, right knee down, stretch go up, drop your hips down, make your shoulders up,像兩股力量拉長, tuck the toes and go back, 心往上延伸,頭和下巴往後,hands down touch the floor, step forward往前,interlace the hands goes down, step your left leg back straigth lunge and come up(這個動作Patrick在progression sessins時特別提過手不要碰地喔), 把左腳跟往前延伸一點點, 身體也往前延伸一點點, 保持腳跟和手往前的感覺, 再慢慢把右屁股往後,屁股往外, 肩膀往後, 吸氣時慢慢把右腳跟往地紮根, inhale come up palms together,保持骨盤水平, turning to right side, twist to the right(開始進入扭轉的主題了),每一個吸氣時收緊右邊肩膀的肌肉,吐氣時把右邊肩膀往後多一點點,hands down touch the floor往前走inhale, and bow your body down exhale, 換邊other side,右腳往後,保持呼吸,身體慢慢的往前,把腳跟往前一點點,感覺右腳趾往後延伸,肩膀往天,每一次吸氣把右屁股往右打開,吐氣往地紮根,感覺腳跟不只是放在地上,要用力的往下推,twist to the left,吸氣時左邊肩膀肌肉集中,吐氣時左邊肩膀往後,保持左腳往地紮根,同時把右骨盤往外打開一點點,hands down touch the floor, inhale step forward往前走,and bow falling down.
左腳往後腳跟按地,inhale come up straight legs,腿往中間集中,慢慢把手往前延伸,保持腿往中間集中的感覺,吐氣三角式hands down touch the floor,腳伸直,保持腿往中間集中再多一點點,inhale and come up,change leg, inhale往前延伸,exhale吐氣bow your body down,每一次吸氣的時候感覺背部的肌肉打開,吐氣的時候用你肌肉的力量把右肩膀往後延伸,手往後打開,腿往地紮根,腿集中,inhale come up, go back to the front, interlace your fingers on your back, square your body, step back leg forward a little bit, inhale打開你的左屁股往外, come down all the way to your front foot, 把你的膝蓋微微的彎一點點,放柔你的皮膚和你的呼吸,放柔你的手指,把左屁股往左打開多一點點,保持骨盤往右延伸,吸氣往前延伸一半,肩膀往前,右屁股往天,左屁股往後,吐氣exhale bow,當你把你的右腳跟往地紮根的時候,把你的膝蓋完全的伸直,把你的左腳完全的往下用力按,hands down touch the floor and pause, 把你的右手放在骨盤上,左手放在右腳的外面,彎膝蓋一點點,再把左屁股往外打開,用手幫助右屁股往後延伸,肩膀往後,腳伸直,往天看,保持右手放在骨盤上,我要你感覺每個吸氣的時候,利用左腳跟的力量往後,利用左屁股的力量往外打開,再感覺你的右骨盤往後多一點點,右肩膀往後多一點點,exhale hand down touch the floor,手在骨盤,腿集中inhale and come up,turn to other side打開手,腿打開一點點,inhale stretch forward, exhale go back三角式,往後延展身體,再儘量的往前,inhale come up, interlace fingers behind the back inhale, exhale bow falling down, 彎膝蓋一點點,右屁股往右打開,左屁股往天延伸,inhale吸氣往前延伸一半,把腳伸直,右腳跟往外打開,吸氣,exhale and bow the body down, hands down touch the floor and pause, 右手放在左腳外,左手放在骨盤上,inhale and look up, easy triangle, 彎多膝蓋一點點(奇怪的中文吧^_^lll),屁股往外打開,感覺左腳腳跟往後集中,保持肌肉往後集中的感覺,再把膝蓋伸直,腳伸直,左腳跟往地推,肩膀往天延伸,inhale and come up,手放在地上,放在骨盤,inhale and come up.