2005年10月5日 星期三


在Epinions.com找到一篇好文章,題目是Use Yoga and Aikido Movements,原來是貼在Computer & Internet>Keyboards and Mice>How to Avoid Computer-Related Stress Injuries,全文如下:

Believe it or not, a few stretches and exercises from Yoga and Aikido can help you save your hands, wrists, shoulders, and back if you are hunched over the keyboard all day. No, you don't have to become a ninga, monk or other martial artist, but some exercises from the east can help you work better in the west. (See that whole yin-yang thing there?)

From Yoga, use any of the stretches that work the shoulder blades, neck, and back. Make sure you do the ones that can be performed while sitting. (I do not recommend breaking out into the cobra posture at work, unless you're bucking for a mental disability pension, ok?) Those forward bends really loosen things up. Shake your head "no" from time to time. Stand up, clasp your hands behind your back, turn them palms up and raise them as high as you can. This will help create space in your shoulders which in turn, relaxes your neck. If your arms don't move well behind you, like mine didn't at one time, use a soft chair as an aid.

Good Yoga books I'd recommend that can help you are "A Runner's Guide To Yoga" and "Power Yoga". Pay special attention to the exercises for the upper body and back. One caveat about yoga in general: the style that you want is hatha yoga, which is done for health. Other styles may amount to religious conversion. Fortunately, most books, seminars, etc., here in the USA are hatha yoga. But, one can never be too careful, can one.

From Aikido, you can borrow their wrist stretching and wrist shaking exercises. Move your hands in the energy ball like the aikidoists do. Rotate your mid section and let your hands fly, but be careful not to hit anything around you.

The problem with computer injuries is that they occur from the spaces between the joints rubbing against each other. Any exercise that gently creates space between joints will help alleviate the symptoms, and in some cases, make them dissappear completely.

Also, don't be afraid to get up and go for a walk. That helps as well. Here is a good link for Aikido exercises. Yes, I know they are considered to be "ki" exercises, but the motions are good for your wrists.


Here are some good yoga links:

Yoga for the neck and shoulders (http://www.yogasite.com/neckandshoulders.htm)

Good yoga info: (http://www.thriveonline.com/shape/experts/karen/karen.10-26-97.html)

Here is a link that proves Yoga is good for carpal tunnel (in case you don't believe me):


