2008年6月2日 星期一

P1392 (待續)TT Morning Intensive 24-7/Patrick (120min)


Patrick說Good morning, namaste, welcome back to the weekend, welcome see you on morning practice, close your eyes and allow your mind go inside once again, we go inside to remember, we go inside to feel the pulse energy power exist inside, it's power all around us, we seek the power from it again, the power connected us to everything, soften here and feel the back of the body, feel the back of the body just where the kidneys are, this space of the body is where the lower back arches in, I want you realize to span, just feel the pulse of power from that space, we bow it from the heart, our kidneys will span, it's deep power area, the power like Chinese medicine, it's the store house of store Chi, we pause and just to feel, we sing together to honor the great power, our sound begin with 3 om, take a deep breath in~OM, OM, OM~flowing with 3 times Anusara Invocation. To the beauty in connected us all, we bow, namaste.

第一個動作蹲馬步膝蓋彎,you bow over兩人互握同側的手腕hold friend's wrist,蹲低往後,手臂伸直伸展身體的側面,另外一隻手可以撐地保持平衡。

回到墊子前端,兩腳平行、找到兩腳平衡的地方set your feet,手在身體兩側,pause a moment, feel the balance, fold your hands, the pose bow forward前彎的動作用的是內在的力量,to remember the power of universal offer through us宇宙的能量透過我們展現出來,站在站姿山式的時候去感覺往前鞠躬一點點,again to feel the kidney span, Ujaii, began the breath, 瑜珈引導我們呼吸,吸氣兩手往上、吐氣前彎,重覆五次來回,前彎時感覺背後的擴張,兩手放在骨盆,span the kidney,腎臟飽滿吸氣起身兩手往上,吐氣兩手回到胸前合十,感覺肚子往內收,inhale stretch up, exhale bow, inhale prepare, step your right leg back, left leg back, plank pose, hold plank, arms straight, legs straight, feel and let your back span,讓腎臟飽滿更多,exhale Chaturanga, and lie down, inhale cobra, exhale and lie down, push to downward dog all the way up, first dog pose, check your feet, hip distance, parallel line, your can see your feet from second toe back to center of ankles, and make that line parallel, then look your hands for moment, shoulders distance between hands,看到自己手腕的皺褶從左到右成一直線,stretch your fingers wide, now stand back to dog pose,身體的背後再擴張,當腳更有力量往後,身體的背後再擴張,再一次感覺腎臟部分飽滿,兩腳往前站姿前彎,again span yourself to the back of the body,肚子吸氣挖空離開大腿前側,目標不是肚子要貼到大腿,the goal is to remember,讓身體的前側溶化到身體的後面,感覺到能量的連結,hands on your hips, shoulders back, inhale come up, stretch your arms over your head, hook your thumbs span yourself inside, exhale arms down fold your palms, soft to remember first, let your kidney to span, inhale stretch up, exhale down, all the way down, inhale prepare, Chaturanga exhale, lie down,感覺自己的身體與大地接觸的地方,keep that connection, open the power within, let back of the body span, and hug in, make muscle gather to the middle, inhale cobra,透過手掌肩膀再往後,放柔去感覺身體的力量,ears back, curl back, exhale downward dog, push all the way up, stretch your arms straight, as you look forward, hollow your belly, I want you to feel the back of the body expending,身體的前面再帶到後面多一點,look forward, hollow your belly by expend your kidney, the special is you can't see the back of the body so you must feel, it teach you be sensitive, make your arms strong, claw the floor, shoulders back, look forward, bend your knee, and jump hip high, exhale bow, steady legs, and inhale rise up, arms over high, stretch strong, again expand back of the body, exhale bow forward, fingers touch the floor, inhale prepare, grab your heart open your chest, Chaturanga exhale jump back, span the back of the kidney, upper dog inhale, curl, now bend your elbow a little melt down, feel kidney span here, and belly draw back, exhale downward dog, push all the way back, look forward, bend your knee, look forward, hollow your belly, need sensibility to feel the place you can't see, round belly here to the back of the body, bend your knees to the floor, ''It's not work.''哈哈哈。

Patrick要我們圍攏過去看示範,借了我的墊子,他指出腎臟該在的位置,之前曾講到內旋大腿去創造下背曲線,要去感覺腎臟飽滿,當腎臟擴張的時候,把肚子往後帶多一點點,然後在下犬式的位置,以前要創造下背曲線arch your back,現在要去feel back of the body擴張飽滿,you span the back and feel the power of the back, act your body first, and jump前跳回手中間, expansion back of the body, 就像降落傘parachute一樣,回到下犬式開始練習。

Do full dog pose, do what you know dog pose, begin to feel the back of the body, here feel the full power beyond you can see, our potential you will never know, so you span the back of the body, bend your knee, feel hollow of your belly, it called kidney loop, stay on kidney, bend your knee deep, now span back of the body, hold the power beyond you can see, span back of the body, look forward, and jump to Uttanasana, exhale and bow, steady legs, inhale rise up, arms over head, stretch up full, soften to the power beyond, let kidney extend, exhale arms down, fold your palms, soften to the power, inhale stretch up, exhale bow, inhale prepare, Chaturanga exhale jump back, inhale upper dog curl, from the belly pull back downward dog, stretch your arms straight, and to feel, bend your knee, jump all the way up, exhale and bow, steady legs, inhale rise up, arms to the sky, hook thumbs, arms direct on the feet and vertical, soften the power in, feel the kidney, feel the back of body bright, the front of rib cage soft down, it from strong current, you may feel the kidney, belly pull back more, as you stand up, exhale bow forward, inhale prepare, exhale Chaturanga jump back, inhale curl upper facing dog, exhale downward facing dog, all the way up, look forward, bend your knee, kidney loop extend the back, and jump all the way up, exhale and bow, steady your legs, feel here, as your thighs go back, the belly go back, too, the belly will leave thighs front, again inhale come up, arms over head, full stretch, the first principle to open the energy big, extend the back of the body, exhale bow forward, inhale prepare, Chaturanga go forward stretch back, upperdog inhale, curl, from kidney loop, exhale downward dog, look forward, come to your knees.

停下來看示範,沒想到Patrick找上我,還好不是太難的動作,不過我好像也沒辦法作得像他想要的那麼誇張,Patrick說The action from downward dog to upper dog, from the edge of universe,哈哈哈,他要我先作上犬式,就一直停、一直講...示範的辛苦就是老師常常會說到忘記...而且老師在後面比手畫腳的時候,示範的人會完全看不到...這個動作不需要經過Chaturanga,直接從下犬式到上犬式,上犬式的時候,身體的背後會比前面來得短,身體的前面比較長,我們現在要去感受自己看不到的地方,it take sensibility要去相信自己的敏感度,然後從Kidney帶到下犬式,從背後擴張帶動身體往後移動,the action is hollow the belly,然後我得救了,換Patrick自己示範。

