2008年6月5日 星期四

P1398 (待續)TT Morning Intensive 24-10/Patrick (120min)



選位置又是大難題,今天有幾個人沒來,包括秀秀姐與乃珍,我本來選第二排,七點以芬來了,笑著說我為什麼要在後面?想在前面的人早就來了啦,所以我又移到前面中央的位置去,Patrick今天也比較早來,笑說對我們說Welcome back to the front row,哈哈。

今天的主題就很明確,整節二小時都圍繞在同個主題上,就是樂趣fun, joy, happiness。而且還引申為3F:Fun, Free, and Fullness。我練習時一直注意我的腰,讓下背擴張,不過後彎都練得比較含蓄些,雙人練習時我就沒練Drop Back,以芬花了很多時間與力氣幫我按摩下背部,所以順利完成今天的練習,真感恩。

我們先靜坐三分鐘等晚到的同學,然後開始上課,Patrick道了早安之後,要我們雙手合十眼睛閉,由於今天艷陽高照,他說such a beautiful morning outside today, the sun seems so perfect as I walk in the street today, humidity is down and the temperature in the air is so invited, it's like a fun weather outside right now, it's playful, what the great privilege(恩典、殊榮) of being a body is to have fun有趣的地方就是你要去享受它,this is freedom to really enjoy this life, first principle just remember that, just come back for all the amazing teaches we learned去想到所有我們所學到不可思議的教導,all the complexity of this wonderful life在生命中有很多複雜性,we come back into our heart, and to remember, that's fun to be a yogi, soften to our own heart, we allow ourselves to have fun, let's open to freedom have fun through all the practices, and begin by singing the song of om three times, please take a deep breath in, 接著同樣是三次Anusara Innovation, to a potential having fun we bow向我們有可能的樂趣鞠躬, namaste, so simply, the potential having fun。

Stand up, no need to translation, 哈哈哈, stand all the way up, in the front of your mat, step your feet a comfortable distance apart, fold your hands, open the flow we breath, the first principle just open to orders, open the the energy生命周遭內在與外在的能量, from that we become open inside, free inside, inner body bright, outer body soft, 勝利式呼吸, inhale stretch up, exhale and bow forward, 第一個前彎的樂趣the fun of the first forward bending, bend your knee a little bit, 創造自由讓小腿集中、大腿往外拉寬,keep steady, inhale half way, exhale bow, let's do it again, lift yourself half way, exhale and bow, inhale lift half way, and exhale bow, steady your legs, put your hands on your hips, inhale all the way up, 兩手往上手臂完全伸直,吐氣前彎touch the floor, 吸氣延伸、吐氣前彎。

右腳往後Straight leg lunge弓箭步,stand on your finger tips, just pause, the first principle, just open to that fun began, the fun exist inside of out heart, inner body bright, outer body soft, inner body bright extend the inner body,身體的前後、左邊、右邊完全飽滿full,你的生命是有趣的,look forward, one movement switch leg, the technique involved, your arms straight, anchor arms to the earth so that helps, head and arms steady, back leg lift up, 後面的腳啟動時臀部抬高,jump one movement, this time, in one breath, switch twice, make back leg straight lifted up, now in one breath, switch three times, this is a trick, soften to the power快不是辦法,而是放柔去接受這個力量,you soften to the flow, in one breath, switch four times, straight arms straight, inner body bright, inner body flow up, fullness the ribs感覺肋骨飽滿,outer body soft, melt the heart, now in one breath, that's right, five times, then you so wild,打開去接受心的創造力potential,life is article, life is fun, 我們不是只站起來jump around, we jump around on purpose, six times!


