2008年6月9日 星期一

P1402 (待續)TT Morning Intensive 24-13/Patrick (120min)



今天我的右邊是永遠笑口常開的秀秀姐、左邊是永遠精神奕奕的以芬(以後可以來上早課沒問題啦),完美組合。今天的主題是Mystery,另外課程前後都加入了更長時間的呼吸法練習,我覺得課程更完整了。動作後半段也開始有些不一樣,加入Pigeon Pose和 Hanumanasana,這兩個動作Patrick都來幫我後腳大腿作內旋,感覺真的就很不一樣。

今天早上天氣很好,Patrick用生澀中文道早安,他說so beautiful morning in Taipei,now let's closed eyes and look within, allow our dristi to gaze within, on the first day on the second half of our morning hour intensive, we have learned a lots of them, we still have two weeks of yoga, and much more than that, we still have everything before that, all of which add to this moment, so now we open the the mystery of life beyond, may this practice this morning open us up to the mysteries of life of our own heart, these really are so simple, beyond all the technique, life's own power of intention, may we set our mind toward our heart, open to the deep mysteries of life within, please fold your hands with me, soften to your breath, allow your pelvis and your legs to rest in deep of the earth, allow your inner body to expand, outer body soften, our song begin with three om, take deep breath in, 三次OM與三次Anusara Innovation開始今天早晨的練習。

Please roll forward on your knees, sit on your heel on Virasana,...

