2008年6月6日 星期五

P1400 Yin/Philip (75min)


回來上Philip的Yin Yoga,很久沒上新老師的課了,今天排上Philip的課,其實蠻期待的,沒想到他話說得蠻多的,不僅是體位法的描述而已,還有很多瑜珈練習的態度與意義。

七樓大教室約有40個同學,有同學第一次上Yin Yoga,他說Yin Yoga的目的是要Relax,relaxing progress we need to know how to hold the pose with steady stillness and follow instruction of our body, because we will hold the pose with long time。

閉眼開始靜坐,他說OM come from four different sounds, A U M and silence, we chant A from base of our body。

第一個動作Baddha Konasana蝴蝶式legs touch together, have a big butterfly, hands in the floor, with deep breath in, and fold the body down, relax your head and make your head become heavy, 放鬆你的頭,感覺身體的重量往下,停留一分鐘後inhale and come up, put hands go back behind you, curve your chest look at the sky, while you look at the sky, feel the knees going down to the floor, 感覺背部的肌肉收緊,膝蓋慢慢往下,停留一分鐘後inhale come back, relax the whole body and inhale bend forward, feel your hips moving back, feel the thighs are going back, 感覺脊椎、骨盆往後,停留一分鐘後吸氣inhale come up, move hands go back, keeps knees wide and keeps the arms strong, and just turn to the right side往右看,keep the left arm straight, and bend your right elbow a little bit彎右手肘一點點,makes hips become heavy, and makes hands become light, inhale back to center, turn to the left, then back to center, exhale forward one more time, turn your palms face up to the sky, lift the hips back and draw the head down, listen your breath, start to listen your body, let go the effort, 學習聽你的呼吸,學習專注,放鬆你自己的想法,放鬆你的心,把整個身體放鬆之後,慢慢感覺你的肌肉離開骨頭,把心放鬆,讓身體與呼吸帶你去作動作,停留約五分鐘inhale come up。

第二個動作左腳先往內,兩腳腳跟一直線的自在坐,身體轉往右邊,左手放在右腳膝蓋上left hand holding the knee, feel the left hand pulling the knee back, and while you pushing the knee, a little bit toward the heart,右手往後手指撐地往右後方扭轉grab the right hand down to the floor, and turn the body, the ribs, the shoulders, your neck, your heart, and your thoughts, 三分鐘後turn to the other side, back to center, 兩腳往前伸直shack your legs。

In yin yoga,we mainly focus on one thing we call fascia,is like a cloth wrapping the muscle, have you cook or eat chicken before? When you eat chicken, you notice there have a little plastic wrap around the meat, 好像薄薄的一層東西包著你的肌肉,it has wrap different part of muscle, like Taiwan's weather, one day is super sunshine, one day is super rain, in this kind of weather, you easily become sick, fascia get tight, now I want you let go the muscle, many people think about Yin yoga oh, I just stench the muscle, but when muscle is tight, you can't relax the fascia, you just stay there, if you going done, that's not from you, is how much you relax the muscle, relax everything and whole body will going down。

第三個動作Janu Sirsasana,Right foot forward, left touch inside, we use as less as muscle to help the pose, put your hands down, shift forward and just stay there, now relax everything, 感覺身體好像飄起來一樣,嚐試再慢慢往前,如果身體開始緊繃起來的話,就學習如何放鬆,如何呼吸,make your head heavy to your leg, 再把身體的重量慢慢放在腿上,感覺臀部與腳跟往下,停留三分鐘,lean your body forward, inhale come up, 感覺不一樣?other side, change leg, with same feeling, same quality, same pose with the other side, you will feel different, many people have very different left leg and right leg, let go the thoughts, enjoy the differenced,完全放鬆身體的肌肉,每一次吸氣會讓身體往前、吐氣會讓身體往下,當你往前的時候、感覺身體拉長,嚐試把這個感覺放在肌肉上,往下的時候、身體的重量也會往下,可以感覺腿與腳跟的重量,當身體開始給你很多感覺的時候,學習如何放鬆,到最後你會知道你的身體,不應該有太多疼痛的感覺,放鬆心的想法,把心交給你的身體,inhale and come up。

第四個動作Cat and cow,但改用拳頭撐地,make a fist, inhale look up the sky, 把你的心放柔,感覺心的重量往下,臀部與尾椎往後,放鬆脖子,再次感覺背部肌肉往下,手伸直、保持呼吸,停留一分鐘,吐氣round your back,停留10個深呼吸,回到cow pose停留3個深呼吸,exhale cat pose停留3個深呼吸。

第五個動作右腳往後踩在右手外面,relax the heart, relax the hips, let go the leg, and bring your elbow to the floor, 可以用兩手握拳、額頭放在拳頭或是yoga block or towel上,make forehead relax on something, make distance of back leg a comfortable range, not too far away to make you feel tearing feeling, not too close let you feel nothing of the pose,學習聆聽你自己的身體,再感覺自己後腳膝蓋該放在哪裡,put right position of your back leg, just relax your pumpkin, 停留三分鐘後,把前腳的膝蓋與腳板打開朝外,and go down once again,停留三分鐘後換邊重複,慢慢從內到外,把整個身體放柔溶化,繼續保持你的呼吸。

第六個動作右腳伸直、左腳半盤,讓左手扣左腳腳趾Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana,往左扭轉停留5個深呼吸,轉回正,右腳彎靠近骨盆的位置depend on the ankle, not depend on the shape,綁手Marichyasana B前彎停留五分鐘,yin yoga hold the pose for a long time, relax the muscle and listen your body, your body will tell you, you going too much, your body will tell you no way, I can hold this posture for 5 minutes, then you need to go back a little, wait the body warm up, wait the body prepared, as the body ready, it already go deeper。不過我第一次用Marichyasana B練習Yin Yoga,綁手的手五分鐘真的痠得不得了,我很少在Yin Yoga會痠到想放棄,但這個動作讓我調整回來二次,呼~

他忽然問大家有沒有穿過high heel shoes? 他沒穿過,但他問過別人穿高跟鞋的感覺,if you wear high heel shoes and put body weight over heel, it's ok, but most people wear high heel shoes put weight on the ball of foot, you can see some people wear hight heel shoes for a long time, the toes began to jam together, and extra bone come out from the thumb, means you put too much weight on the front, 所以如果一定要穿高跟鞋,就買粗跟的鞋子,把身體的重量都放在腳跟上。

第七個動作身體往左,兩腳打開Upavishta Konasana,take a deep breath and starting forward, 停留五分鐘inhale come up。

他說食物會影響我們的身體,他前一陣子去New York, in American, they eat hamburgers and French fries, they have much stress, and people in Taiwan is so different, always so young, so flexible。Do the other side,重複第六個動作Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana與Marichyasana B。他說we all want to be flexible person, you are ready become flexible, what you need is relax a little bit, and soften your breath, and let your mind enjoy possibility, you will become very flexible if you are happy, and let your body have time to enjoy the peace, relax your neck, shoulders。

We have many things happen in the 20 century, you know that? 60 years ago just finished second World War, it's just short period of time, many people like father, mother, even your have experienced that stage, only 60 years, we have incredible change entire world, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Asia, everywhere changed, so many changes, and right now, when open the TV or through magazines, we will see so many strong people, flexible people, beautiful people, it's so called standard in the life right now, and those kind of face put in our mind everyday keep give us some pressure, want to be the best in the world, in the good side, it can motivating us to keeping good, in the other side, you can't do it very good in yourselves, we don't know how to enjoy because give too much stress in the body, we give too much stress in the mind, and that's the reason why so many people get cancer, in 60 years ago, even in second world war, no people get cancer, because people are quiet positive, seriously, people in hard time is positivity, but now is so negative, you think my thigh is tight, you look around the people are so flexible, and you are not happy, but if you know how to change your mind, those tightness can feel something, and you will believe after class you will be more flexible, the tightness can change, you need more time to be more flexible, it's your body, not mean you are not a good person, you know what i am talking about? So when you know how to change your min, being yoga, even some people do Hanumanasana like this (Full Split), and you only do this (Half Split), you still smile, and feel so good, if you do this happy in mind, your life will change, but if you do anything with negative thought, even you do yoga, you are not happy, yoga should be happy, life should be happy, Hanumanasana, everyone smile to do this,第八個動作是五分鐘的享受在猴王式,go!

他說開始的時候要同學閉上眼睛,其中一個原因就是只要集中注意力在自己,不要作比較,但是慢慢可以打開眼睛,開始享受,無論你怎麼練習,總會有人比你好,無論你如何漂亮,總會有人比你漂亮,學習享受自己所擁有的一切,再把那種感覺帶到你的身體,從內到外,讓你的心與身體慢慢的放鬆,把身體與頭慢慢往前,享受,放柔你的呼吸,and come up, the other side。

Yoga sometimes is very tough, but I have some friend they born have so much money, but they are not happy, they have everything, they have so many thing, but have no friends, they are not happy, but yoga can balance your mind, your body, when you are balanced, you happy, the only one thing is you need to be happy, if we only have high heel shoes, we are not happy。

最後的動作躺下lie down,左腳伸直、右腳彎抱靠近胸口,左手把右腳帶到左邊地板扭轉twist停留10個深呼吸,and change other side換邊重複後攤屍休息三分鐘,起身側躺右邊推地起身,chant one om感謝自己的身體是一項gift, you like yourself, how much you like? I want you really like,一聲OM後下課。


2 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

謝謝妳的分享,Philip老師有種讓人耳目一新的感覺。查了字典是:fascia 筋膜,祝端午佳節闔家平安!

Lucy 提到...

感謝妳喔 :)