2008年6月15日 星期日

P1413 Yin/Karina (75min)

七樓大教室有三十多個同學,靜坐後三聲OM與三聲Santih開始。先到Cat Pose貓式,推到下犬式停留10個深呼吸,slowly walk forward,兩手互抱手肘前彎relax your neck停留10個深呼吸,abdomen in, legs strong, 拱背站起來。

Surya Namaskara just for warm up, exhale雙手合十palms together, 吸氣雙手向上伸高straight arms, exhale吐氣前彎and bend forward, 吸氣右腿向後right leg back, 往上看look up, 吐氣左腿往後身體一直線straight line, 吐氣膝蓋貼地, 胸部下巴貼地, 吸氣眼鏡蛇Cobra, open your chest, shoulders back, inhale吸氣, 吐氣downward facing dog, 挺胸, 臀部高, inhale吸氣右腿向前right food forward, exhale吐氣左腿向前left food forward, inhale吸氣bend your knees, arms up and back, exhale吐氣hands down by your side, 換邊重複。右邊與左邊各來回二次。第二趟回來時,前彎兩手在小腿後互抱前彎停留一分鐘。然後山形兩腳打開臀部寬legs apart站姿深呼吸停留2分鐘, inhale deeply, slowly exhale。

Lie down in your back, hip down, palms up in Savasana停留5個深呼吸,Legs together, 第一個動作右膝蓋彎抱向胸口停留一分鐘, 然後手握腳踝或是腳板Supta Padangusthasana C把腳打直, 拉向身體停留3分鐘後, repeat left side換邊重複。

兩腳彎滾背幾次起身sit up, 腳尖往上Paschimottanasana吸氣兩手往上, 吐氣bend forward前彎停留5分鐘,surrender your body to the pose, let it go, enjoy the present, just here and now, focus on your mind。

右膝蓋彎,左腳伸直,左肩在地,exhale身體bend the the side向左側彎, 右手握左腳腳板停留二分鐘, change to the other side。每次要停留的時候, 都會聽到Karina設定電子時鐘的聲音, 確保兩邊停留時間一樣。

面對鏡子, 兩腳腳尖往上左右打開Upavishta Konasana A, 兩手放臀部後側後彎挺胸停留5個深呼吸,bend forward前彎上半身貼地stretch arms forward停留二分鐘,surrender your body into the edge, 慢慢回來, 兩腳彎抱靠近胸口、腳尖離地、額頭碰膝蓋停留10個深呼吸,release any tension to your hips, 。

右膝蓋彎, 右腳在上牛面式, both knees together, both hips on the floor, exhale bending forward停留二分鐘, release your legs, and go to the other side, 再換邊重複。

推到下犬式,右腳往前to lunge position, left knee down, second option elbows to the floor, those want to practice split, half split or full split, don't force too much, forward bending前彎停留三分鐘,回來時先回到Half split, 再回Lunge position, 再回Cat Pose, 回下犬式downward facing dog, bend your knees to straight the other leg, do the other side換邊重複。

Pigeon pose right leg forward, bring your hips higher, sit on your block or towel, level your hips, bring your hands back and open your chest, then walked your hands forward, just surrender to this pose停留三分鐘, bring your right leg back to downward facing dog, change to the other side, 膝蓋貼地, Child pose, relax, focus on your third eye, 停留一分鐘, 慢慢坐起來。

Lie down on your back, Halasana, roll to plugt, bring your body weight on your shoulders, release tension of neck, 停留一分鐘, slowly roll your back to the floor, 魚式bring chest up, press elbows down to the floor, breath deeply, 停留一分鐘, 慢慢回來, 右腳跨在左腳上, 膝蓋倒向左邊, 右邊肩膀貼地, 臉看右邊, 停留10個深呼吸, 換邊重複。

Savasana身體完全放鬆, just feel now, clam your mind, just let it go, inhale energy, exhale relax tension of your mind, 起身後Karina要我們注意M的音,下巴微收到胸前, feel vibration of om,三聲OM後下課。
