2008年6月15日 星期日

P1412 Hatha 1/Karina (60min)

上周日已經偷閒沒上課,今天傍晚又有聚餐,不先好好動一下不行,所以選了兩節Karina的課,Hatha 1與Yin yoga。TT晨間練習以來,我第一次在九樓大教室上一般課程,由於墊子的排法是維持TT橫排的方式,說不上來,感覺有點奇怪...這節課也有快三十個同學。

我今天有點不想思考,所以第一次帶錄音筆來上Karina的課,雖然她的口令我常常聽,幾乎都會背了,但錄音還是能記錄到一些平時沒注意到的重點,原來Karina一直提醒背部與頸部要放鬆哩。不過因為音樂聲蠻大的,有時Karina走到兩側去, 就幾乎聽不清楚聲音了。

靜坐脊椎打直Spin straight, 輕輕閉上眼睛close your eyes, 深呼吸, breath deeply, calm our mind, and inner peace, chant 3 OM and 3 Santih, Santih的意思是平安或是和平。

Cat Pose貓式,inhale吸氣arch your back, and look up, exhale吐氣round your back, release tension to your back and your neck, 重複四次。推到下犬式臀部高hip higher, you can bend your knee, try to keep your spin as straight as possible, press your palms down, 停留約一分鐘,slowly walk your leg to Uttanasana, forward bending, holding your elbows, and just relax your back and your neck, just release any tension of your back and your neck, your legs are strong, your legs are foundation, 這個前彎也停留約一分鐘, slowly round your back, little bit and little bit站起來。

拜日式Surya Namaskara, inhale吸氣, exhale雙手合十palms together, 吸氣雙手向上伸高straight arms, exhale吐氣前彎and bend forward, 吸氣右腿向後right leg back, 往上看look up, 吐氣左腿往後身體一直線straight line, 吐氣膝蓋貼地, 胸部下巴貼地, 吸氣眼鏡蛇Cobra, open your chest, shoulders back, inhale吸氣, 吐氣downward facing dog, 挺胸, 臀部高, and we hold here for a moment, breading in the pose, 吸氣三, 四秒, your hands are stable, inhale吸氣右腿向前right food forward, exhale吐氣左腿向前left food forward, now push your legs down, strong legs, inhale吸氣bend your knees, arms up forward and a little arch back, exhale吐氣hands down by your side, 換邊重複。右邊與左邊各來回二次。第二趟來回時加上Plank停留五個深呼吸,加上兩腳往上的Dog Split各停留五個深呼吸。

然後是Jivamukti拜日式,吸氣兩手往上後彎,吐氣兩手背後握拳前彎,吸氣右腳往後right leg back膝蓋貼地,吐氣左腳往後left leg back下犬式,吸氣Plank身體一直線,吐氣膝蓋跪地、胸部下巴貼地,吸氣眼鏡蛇Cobra,吐氣臀部高下犬式,再作一次吸氣Plank身體一直線,吐氣Chaturanga,吸氣上犬式Upper facing dog、吐氣下犬式Downward facing dog停留五個深呼吸,吸氣右腳往前right foot forward,吐氣左腳往前left foot forward,吸氣兩手往上後彎,吐氣直接膝蓋彎一些前彎,換邊重複。右邊、左邊來回重複各二趟。

下犬式右腳往前Virabhadrasana I, Warrior I, turn your hips square, inhale straight your arms up, back leg is straight and strong停留10個深呼吸,Virabhadrasana II, Warrior II, 停留10個深呼吸,
breath in the pose, 用鼻子呼吸, 右腿打直right leg straight, for Trikonasana, exhale your can bring your hand to your leg, if possible, you can put hands in the floor, 眼睛往上看, 如果頸部不舒服,you can just look forward, right leg back downward facing dog, 右腿向上right leg up, try to squre the hips, right leg forward, left leg forward, 吸氣起身兩手往上look up, exhale吐氣前彎, 膝蓋彎一點, interlock your fingers stretch, 吸氣兩手貼地, right leg back, left back下犬式, 吸氣Plank身體一直線,吐氣膝蓋貼地, 胸部下巴貼地, 吸氣眼鏡蛇Cobra, 吐氣臀部高下犬式,吸氣Plank, 吐氣Chaturanga,吸氣上犬式Upper facing dog、吐氣Downward facing dog下犬式, 換左腳往前Virabhadrasana I換邊重複。

兩腳打開臀部寬Hip distance,兩手往前平伸,腳跟向上stand on your toes, heel up keep balance停留10個深呼吸,墊著腳尖蹲低strong legs再停留10個深呼吸,慢慢坐下來,腳尖往上, sit on your sit bone, Paschimotanasana forward bending, inhale吸氣兩手往上stretch arms up, exhale bend forward吐氣前彎停留一分鐘,surrender your body into the pose,吸氣兩手往上, 吐氣兩手放下。

右腳膝蓋彎to Janu Sirsasana, 吸氣兩手往上stretch arms up, exhale bend forward停留一分鐘,吸氣起身,右腳膝蓋向上, heel in line with your hip, Marichyasana C扭轉twist your spin to the right停留一分鐘, 左腳腳尖往上, 慢慢回來, bend both knees, to Navasana可以的人腿打直, open your chest停留10個深呼吸, 兩腳放下往前伸直, 換左腳膝蓋彎Janu Sirsasana換邊重複。接蝴蝶式Baddha Konasana前彎停留一分鐘, 重點是胸口往下chest down、而不是額頭貼地not the forehead down, 慢慢回來。

把兩腳往兩旁打開,讓腳刀內側與墊子前方平行,right hand under right knee to hold the right foot右手從右腳下方穿進握住右腳腳板, Stench your left arm up and back, open the heart, move right shoulder back停留10個深呼吸, 然後用右手握住左手手腕, put left palm down to the floor, and open your chest more, 停留10個深呼吸, come the the center, to the other side,換邊重複。

Holding your big toes, try to sit on your sit bone, if possible, straight your legs, Upavishta Konasana B停留一分鐘, 兩腳放下, 維持兩腳在Baddha Konasana慢慢躺下來, just let it go, 停留一分鐘, 接橋式停留一分鐘, 嚐試將肩胛骨貼地, you can move your chest to your chin, it's not chin to the chest, push your hips up, 慢慢回來, one more time, 橋式或輪式, 輪式的人hands under the shoulders, heels close to your hips, then strong legs, hips up higher, then push up, stretch your arms straight as possible, 停留10個深呼吸, 可以的人右腿向上停留5個深呼吸, 換左腿往上, 慢慢回來, 兩腳彎, 膝蓋放在右邊地板, 看你的左邊, 左邊的肩膀在地板扭轉停留10個深呼吸, 換邊knees to your left, right shoulder down,。

Legs straight, Shoulder stand肩立式停留3分鐘, 或是腳往上成90度就可以了, 注意力放在Vishuddha喉輪, 兩腳彎成蝴蝶式, 右手扶右腳膝蓋停留5個深呼吸, 再換左手扶左腳膝蓋停留個深呼吸, 然後兩手扶兩腳膝蓋停留5個深呼吸, 再把兩腳伸直回到Shoulder stand, 然後雙腳過頭犛鋤Halasna停留一分鐘, 腿打直, Slowly roll your body down, use your abdominal power回到地板,Counter pose魚式,手心放在臀部下方, hips up, 把脖子放鬆, no pressure in your neck, pressure on your arms, 停留一分鐘, 深呼吸, Slowly come out the pose, 回躺姿再把兩手交叉抱後腦,gently下巴往前、及往左右兩側45度扣胸口, 回到地板Savasana休息三分鐘。

慢慢坐起來, 今天還有一段梵唱, spin straight, chant Lokaha Samastaha Sukhino Bhavantu, may all being be happy and free, repeat after Karina:
Closing Prayers
Lokaha Samastaha Sukhino Bhavantu
Lokaha Samastaha Sukhino Bhavantu
Lokaha Samastaha Sukhino Bhavantu
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti-hi
May all beings in all worlds be blessed with Peace, Contentment and Freedom
Om, Peace, Peace, and perfect Peace

