2008年6月11日 星期三

P1407 Power 1/Philip (60min)

早上上TT晨間練習時Patrick說他跟Philip都想留在台北,所以我才知道原來Philip只是TT這段時間來兼課,不會長期留下來,由於我還蠻喜歡他的教學風格,所以中午特別又選了他的Power 1,有點像Patrick的精簡版,很有Anusara的味道,比起一般Power速度比較慢,所以動作可以慢慢調好,不過銜接得很順,一小時也讓我練得很過癮。

這節課在三樓大教室,不過只有17個同學,大部份的人大概還是選Angel的Gentle Flow,難怪Tony兄看到我會有點驚奇(我也很驚奇看到Tony吧,哈哈),有一個新同學,就在我旁邊,我跟新生一直很有緣。難得空間寬敞,不用擔心像昨天那樣擠到爆,還勞煩以芬早上幫我「驅魔」~~

Philip說Power Class focus on postures linking together, that's vinyasa, day time the best thing to do is back bend, today he will try to lead the sequence of Anusara back bend, back bend is coming from few things, one is strong ability, the tendency to do the back bend is legs do savasana, but if legs relaxing, the pressure will go to the lower back, first thing don't relax, you need foundation very strong, second thing is keeping breath during the practice.

Ground the foundation, feet hip distance apart, second toes are straight to the front, keep that kind of feeling, thighs push straight backward, fold your hands and closed your eyes, strong foundation to the floor and energy will shine out thought the earth, three times, take long breath in, 但可惜大家的OM聲音非常參差,我幾乎找不到能切入的Key~

保持腿用力,feel the legs are moving back, 站姿前彎,用手指掂地,吸氣延伸,exhale and bow falling down, 重複二次,吸氣兩手往上起身到山型,吐氣再次前彎,吸氣延伸,吐氣前彎charge the legs muscle,吸氣延伸,吐氣前彎slowly,重複二次,感覺腿的肌肉往後離開胸口,感覺腿的肌肉往內集中,step back downward facing dog。

下犬式打開手指,index finger straight forward to your front, inhale plank pose, drop knees to the floor, 身體往前趴下,Cobra感覺身體往上,沒有吸氣的時候把肩膀往後帶,吐氣下犬式,move shoulders and arms to the sky, 吸氣時感覺手指有生命,手臂往上、胸口往下,前跳回手中間,exhale and bow, feel the legs are squeezing, 吸氣起身兩手往上little back bend,感覺腿的肌肉往內集中,腳跟用力的往下,exhale bow all the way down touch the floor, keep the legs strong, half way inhale just look forward, exhale and bow, inhale life everything up, exhale bow all the way down touch the floor, 所有的力量往身體中間集中,inhale half way up, 腿用力,jump back plank pose, come down slowly, roll the shoulders back and keep the back wide strong, and upper dog rise, back to downward facing dog,

Step right leg forward Parsvakonasana,左腿要用力的往天空方向,放鬆右膝蓋與右邊臀部往下,feel the power happen to the back leg, 回下犬式右腳往後Dog Split,right leg really strong右腳伸直,right food forward Trikonasana, and stretch out, 把動力往中間集中,感覺腿的肌肉收緊,感覺身體與左手是往天空方向延伸,手放下,回下犬式右腳往後right leg to the sky, inhale plank, down all the way Chaturanga, shoulders up and lean back upper dog, exhale downward facing dog,前跳回手中間,exhale and bow, inhale rise up half way, 吐氣前彎,他說雖然兩腳是平行打開的,但要把精神集中好像兩腳沒有打開一樣,吸氣延伸,後跳到Plank,吐氣Chaturanga,legs strong, arms strong, inhale upper dog, 感覺腳跟往內集中,腳背往下壓所以上半身能抬高so much, exhale downward facing dog, left leg forward Parsvakonasana,整段動作換邊重複。他說我們的腳用力的時候會tired, that's normal, 但是我們會enjoy, but if we do nothing, 我們還是會感覺累,but that tired is not happy, 如果我們停在同一個動作上10分鐘,we won't feel happy,20 minutes you feel angry, 60 minutes you don't want back anymore,哈哈。

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana A右手握右腳外側,身體力量往中間集中,當腳的力量往下的時候,身體自然會有力量往上延伸,慢慢的把右腳往前伸直,保持左手把左邊骨盆往下的感覺,把頭往天空方向延伸,尾椎內收,感覺右腳往前、但是右邊肩膀往後、嘗試彎手肘一點點,右腳放下換邊重複。

吸氣兩手往上、吐氣前彎,pump Ujaii breath, 吸氣的時候肌肉的力量往中間集中,皮膚到肌肉、肌肉到骨頭,吐氣時延伸的感覺從骨頭到肌肉、到皮膚、到空間,吸氣膝蓋彎Utkatasana rise up, seat down so much, 盡可能的把大腿往後,臀部往後、感覺腳跟往下扎根開始往後彎,吐氣前彎,吸氣延伸,保持肚子收緊,jump back plank pose, Chaturanga 肚子往後、身體往下、尾椎往下的感覺, inhale upper dog, 吐氣下犬式,右腳往前弓箭步Lunge,吸氣rise up,square the hips, 左腿往前延伸、左臀往左邊打開,尾椎內收、抬頭,胸打開、開始往後延伸,右膝蓋往前,左腳大腿往上,手放下,右腳往後抬高Dog Split, right foot forward Trikonasana,左手放骨盆,右手往外走一些,左大腿往後,開始往後彎lean back,右手與右腳都要用力往下扎根,身體自然的往後,回正接半月式Ardha Chandrasana rise,彎上面的左膝蓋,左手抓左腳hold the foot,左腳膝蓋與腳跟同一平面,膝蓋往前、腳跟往後延伸,尾椎往內收再後彎Standing Bow,心往前延伸、頭往後、肩膀往後,轉成Standing Split left leg in the sky, 先彎一點站的膝蓋,手握小腿,再把腿伸直、膝蓋伸直往上延伸,兩手放下,右腳往後Dog Split,兩腳往前走,手指打開撐地,腳跟靠緊,手臂往中間集中,肩膀打開,接Bakasana膝蓋放在手臂上,眼睛往前看,放鬆你的心,但是把兩手的大拇指往中間集中,試著把手臂伸直,jump back plank pose, come down Chaturanga, inhale upper dog, exhale downward dog, 前跳回手中間,Utkatasana inhale rise up,整套動作換邊重複。

Step right leg forward outside the hand, back knee touch the floor, squeeze in as possibility, 右腳跟與左膝蓋往內集中,感覺臀部往天空方向延伸,右臀往內,肚子收緊squeeze belly so much,再把手肘貼地,像Warrior II一樣感覺後面的左腳往天空方向延伸,右腳跟往下,回下犬式,換邊重複other side。前跳回手中間,吐氣前彎,吸氣起身兩手往上,吐氣兩手往下。

接下來右手握右腳腳踝內側Dancer Pose,knees touch, left hand rise up, 感覺左邊臀部往左打開、右邊臀部往後,尾椎內收、吸氣延伸,吐氣上半身慢慢往前lean forward,胸往前,保持平衡的後彎,眼睛往前看、不要看地板,change come up,換邊重複。

吸氣兩手往上,吐氣前彎,step left leg going back, knee down, 吸氣起身,臀部往外打開時、下背的壓力就會減少,turn to the right兩手合掌胸前fold your hands扭轉,保持腿用力的收緊hug in so much,左邊臀部打開多一些,打開是surrender, 保持surrender的感覺,再用努力把右膝蓋往外,右腳跟往地板方向推,慢慢把左膝蓋離地伸直,inhale come up Warrior II,兩手背後握拳inhale look at the sky, exhale bow all the way down, head touch the floor, 頭是可以在墊子上,但重要的是如何去作將頭放在地上,把左腿往後一點,保持臀部打開的感覺',右臀部往內收,右膝蓋靠近身體,才慢慢的把頭放在地上,保持肚子力量往上,兩手放下,右腳往上Dog Split,再次右腳往前Bound Parsvakonasana,放鬆肩膀、先把右肩膀往後,右邊骨盆捲向右腳腳跟,左邊肩膀才轉開,把手臂伸直,保持左腳往上的力量,臉轉往下看,baby step後腳往前走到兩腳平行的位置,先放鬆頭與脖子,吸氣時左邊臀部盡量打開往左,然後右邊臀部往內捲、右膝蓋伸直,慢慢往左邊扭轉,還要保持笑容喔,手腳鬆開relax,右腳往後low lunge換邊重複。Philip笑說這是Power 1.5 Class啦。Child pose relax。

Philip說yoga is about balance, 但過程會讓人覺得tired,不過過程中需要surrender, 因此臉上要保持微笑、可是身體卻在抖,如果我們付出too much effort, 身體會受傷,but if too less effort, 身體同樣會受傷,所以我們要知道如何在之間取得平衡。回到下犬式,他說我們warm up完畢了,現在才開始yoga class開始後彎,哈哈哈。

右腳往前Pigeon Pose,hug in and feel body lifting, 保持收緊的感覺push down so much,但是臉是放鬆的,呼吸放鬆,兩手放在骨盆上,左臀往左邊外面多一點,感覺右邊的臀部與膝蓋往下扎根,感覺身體自然升起,Shoulders back, if you feel goo, stretch arms up, scoop the tail bone so much, 如果下背會感覺痠痛,squeeze in some more, pain will gone,回下犬式right leg to the sky, 右腳膝蓋彎往左邊打開骨盆後彎,然後眼睛往前看,右腳彎收進胸口,把右腳往左伸直right food walk to the left side,右腳與兩手成一直線,bend the elbows and lie down, 保持兩腿伸直,左腳勾緊往地板方向,左臀要往左延伸更多,可能大家都沒動作,Philip還問我們「你們知道哪邊是左邊屁股嗎?」哈哈哈,Philip一直說more, more, maximum, feel good~oh my God~(很酸啦,老師),回到下犬式,換邊重複。That's the last jump,前跳回手中間,吐氣坐下lie down on the back。

Bridge pose腳跟靠近臀部,手肘彎、手指朝天,手指用力打開用力,臀部往上抬高、肩膀往下、感覺背部肌肉往心的方向延伸,再把大腿推高,放鬆身體a little bit surrender大腿往下一點點,尾椎往肩膀方向收,膝蓋往前,作一個完美的Bridge Pose, and come down, the Bridge pose second time, inhale come up, try to stand on the toes and walk in, scoop tail bone more, elbows down, right leg to the sky, 換邊重複,然後把手換放在肩膀下,頭推起放在墊子上,手打開一點點,肩膀往後然後把兩手伸直,scoop the tail bone and walk in, and come down, hello, 再來一個,哈哈,最後一個,從Bridge Pose開始推直手臂,squeeze the back, 同樣輪流單腳往上舉高,and come down, if we have one more hour we will do five more back bend,哈哈。

左腳伸直,hug the right knee,左腳用力往下推so much, really ground, really heavy,尾椎往內收的同時,感覺右膝蓋往前離開身體,但用手把右膝蓋抱住,change leg and relax, bend your knees, roll to the right and push up, two more postures。

Hanumanasana right leg forward, maintain the ability腿用力集中,後腳腳趾勾緊往下,右骨盆往內、左骨盆往前,尾椎往內收,吸氣肩膀往後,吐氣前彎,this is the last moment,眼睛與肩膀往前延伸,換邊重複。

最後躺下lie down the back,Gentle Twist左腳伸直,右腳彎倒向左邊地板扭轉turn the right knee go the left,換邊重複。Savasana lie down,不過感覺沒有躺很久,二分鐘左右吧就從右側推地起身come up slowly。

Now is 1:30, the best thing to do right now is to have a good lunch,haha, I find Taiwan have many great food, yesterday I go to the bakery, I bought a toast, nice toast with golden color of crispy cover, butter on top, that's most simple food but tasty, and I just quickly remind you, when we doing yoga, we just like a toast, you put a toast inside toaster and push the button, see the light going out, in the perfect time, the toast jump out, and just shine out, if you put too much effort, you burn the toast all, jump out the toast black, that's not good, if you too less effort, come out toast still cold, that's not good, so you work at perfect time, it's not only put on our practice, but also put on our life, when we start to feel confuse, difficulty of life, first thing soften, then hug in, and you shine out, and ask how much you soften and how much effort you squeeze in, sometimes you squeeze so much, sometime you don't care, that's not ok, right effort, right surrender, the toast you do it, the life will be good, fold your hands, with correct effort, take long breath in,可惜還是不太協調的OM, enjoy your toast everyone, have a great lunch, see you next time. 很讚的一節課,我喜歡 :)
