2008年6月4日 星期三

P1396 (待續)TT Morning Intensive 24-9/Patrick (120min)



靜坐時Patrick要我們先把大腿內旋,要我們create balance, give us opportunity to seek the full, seat back to feel the flow of energy, the right, the left, the front, the back,瑜珈的藝術就是找到完整的自我,the same as life啟發我們的生命,the find us great technique to refine the balance,我們要用小小的技巧去調整細微的一切來找到生命的完整,兩手心前合掌,打開自己去經驗,讓我們的聲音和諧,確認梵唱時我們是在確認一個平衡,讓柔去平衡聽大家的聲音,soften the voice, soften the ears,從這一切我們才去奉獻自己的聲音,when we offer we offer the whole,當我們奉獻時是完整的聲音,begin with 3 om, with deep breath in,三次之後Patrick說hold on, when you chant, we can apply technique, with that technique create the balance of flow energy, to create more full sound, so when we chant,first we listen, the first principle is to listen, listen and hear the flow, then we create the vibration of voice, our voice will go up and out, so we create balance, you want push your energy down, in this position, you push your pelvis into the floor, you allow your energy go down, and from that, the voice will rise natural, it will rise more balance flow, you start up feeling,感覺自己的臀部與腿,soften to that, we begin with one om and Innovations,讓能量與大地更為連結。To the fullness of this day, we bow.

To a deep downward dog, Patrick說we all seeking the whole fullness,瑜珈是藝術去調整,we balance our energy, 下犬式可以感覺到手掌與腳掌的平衡,just feel and open the energy,it's really like an art, 當手往下推的時候,心的能量會與大地有更多的連接,腰身拉長往教室的後面方向延伸,可以感覺到手掌與腳掌的平衡,兩腳往前走站姿前彎,感覺到手掌與腳掌need quite foundation, you can stand on your fingertip, and just feel the energy of whole body, feel the full experience of the body, 瑜珈練習必須完全去體驗,感受到身體的改變,我們往內看、讓身體的能量更平衡better,手掌與腳掌往上送集中到focal point,所有的能量都往這個core焦點送,送到這裡時再往後延伸,透過軀幹與手臂,手放骨盆,肩膀往後,臀部往下扎根,reach energy down像梵唱一樣,吸氣兩手往上,feel pulse energy,吐氣前彎,吸氣延伸,大腿往後、腰身往前,吐氣前彎,手放骨盆,肩膀往後,it's balance,吸氣兩手往上,吐氣兩手放下胸前合掌,feel the current,stand tall, the fullness of whole body will open energy down, 我們打開去接受這個能量。

吸氣兩手往上,吐氣前彎,吸氣延伸,plank pose, step or jump, legs straight, arms straight, we pause here, feel the energy, the focal point is the pelvis, all energy magnetized in one center, even power,吐氣Chaturanga慢慢趴下...

