2008年6月7日 星期六

P1401 (待續)TT Morning Intensive 24-12/Patrick (180min)

今天是第二個三小時練習的星期六,有兩位從香港來的Pure老師加入我們的練習,上周六的主題是象神Ganesha,這個星期六的主題則是猴王Hanuman हनुमत्,我想那也許後面兩個星期也會以印度神祇為主題,一定也會有Shiva吧?上課前實在有點熱鬧,Patrick老師還放了快節奏的音樂,情緒很high的樣子^_^lll...

開始上課的時候請大家靠攏,Patrick問Fly How do you sleep? 他說因為擔心今天三小時的練習worry about the class,還作了惡夢nightmare,哈哈,Patrick說this is great moment, this bring topic of Hanuman, you look to Fly, please stand up, I present to you~Hanuman, 哈哈,there is beautiful aspect of Hanuman he is so powerful, he have all the powers of universe, there are 8 super power in yoga, we call them siddhis。我查了網站,八種力量是The eight siddhis: anima (the power to assimilate oneself with an atom); mahima (the power to expand oneself into space); laghima (the power to be as light as cotton or any similar thing); garima (the power to be as heavy as anything); prapti (the power of reaching anywhere, even to the moon); prakamya (the power of having all wishes, of whatever description, realized); isvata (power to create); vasvita (power to command all).

Patrick說Hanuman embody all eight, but you know what? He doesn't know he has them, the beautiful thing is our relationship are power to reveal, so when we practice together in this big tribe, we begin to revel each other's power, we start to say “wow, Daniel, you are so powerful.'' and Daniel says “who, I am?” Hanuman's power is come from the heart, his devotion is so strong, nothing can stop him, as we know, powers put on wrong man, it can be misuse, George Bush comes to mind, 哈哈,David Life老師也常拿Bush出來講哩。Patrick說it can be use for good or knock me所以力量可以是好的、也可能是不好的,in the story in yoga, the stories we told with characters of God, how does understand how to use power in positive way, how do these power not for our own good, not only but for everyone, 自己的行為可以幫助到每一個人can help everyone,aligned with whole nature, this story of Hanuman has good characters, and people are not so good like losing his power,it's told the powers the Hanuman embodies, only reveal to him, it's going so deep, yes, he is going so deep, he see side question his devotion, when he looks his heart, and he remember that's he like so much, he loves Rama, just like he loves himself, when he go so deep, I like this life, I am so bless to be in this body in this room right now, and only then, the power reveal, it's combination組合, the courage is the monkey God Hanuman是學生最高層次的謙卑, giant巨人謙卑humble, endurable時、他的力量就會提升,Hanuman in yoga to yogies become drishti and focus是最好學生的代表,他至高的榮耀與尊敬他的老師,他說Hanuman在神像中出現時,永遠都有明顯的Shoulder Loop,哈哈,但同時他也保持Kidney Loop, he always remember, because his heart is the power, “I got power!” he never forget...

