2008年5月3日 星期六

P1340 (待續)Doctor Asana: Posture Clinic for Sitting poses/Patrick (90min)

Patrick老師用中文「午安」開始這節課,他笑說Namaste才是foreign language,坐姿合掌胸前、閉上眼睛,準備唱三聲OM開始,他說這節Doctor asana的內容是specific detail of sitting poses更深入了解坐姿的動作,so we open the section together by singing om of the way connecting humanizing energy and opening the secret art of learning our yoga,please take a deep breath in~~聲音很不錯,once again welcome and namaste。

先把兩腳往前伸直Dandasana,也就是Staff Pose,把兩腳打開臀部寬,讓雙腳更平行parallel,動作剛開始的時候都是先注意outer form, outer shape,然後from that began to change inner form,用手把大腿後側與臀部的肉往外翻開,然後手指撐地放在臀部兩邊,坐姿動作的秘訣是要讓大腿骨與骨盆變得沉重,把手用力往下,讓上半身兩側拉長,使得上半身變得更輕,然後把兩手放在下背部lower back notice the feeling of lower back,make lower back curve to the body,如果無法感覺下背曲線、卻是圓圓的,it's common,it's normal but not natural,正常與自然是不一樣的,然後再把手放在骨盆的兩側,用手用力把大腿骨往下多一點,把臀部往後、而兩腳大腿骨往骨盆方向帶進來,去感覺自己下背部的曲線慢慢的改變了。

蹲姿後膝蓋微彎成為站姿前彎,吸氣起身。站姿可以作same action,兩腳平行,把大腿骨往後,用兩手繞到大腿後面抓住大腿內側往外拉寬,上半身自然會延伸拉長,膝蓋彎然後坐下,兩腳往前,左腳先彎、右腳再彎進來,透過兩手把大腿內旋,手再放到臀部的兩側,再次去找到下背的曲線,他說這幾年他學到胸往上提的時候,並不會讓下背曲線改變,任何坐姿動作都要先找到下背的曲線,大腿骨往下再往外拉寬down and apart。


推到下犬式,stand on your toes,bend your knee a little bit,keep knees and hips same width apart,use strong muscle energy in the leg and create what we call shins in and thighs out,小腿往中間集中but legs don't move,widen your thighs apart就像前面的坐姿一樣,就會感覺lower back start to curve,keep the curve but straight the legs straight and heels to the floor,膝蓋跪地,坐下兩腳往前伸直。

右腳伸直、左腳內彎Janu Sirsasana,translate to Head to knee pose,由於所有坐姿動作都需要先創造下背部的曲線...

