2008年5月29日 星期四

P1386 (待續)TT Morning Intensive 24-4/Patrick (120min)


Patrick說今天是星期四,在印度傳統上是Guru Day,Today is the day we remember and honor our teachers,''OM Namah Shivaya''就是提醒真正的老師是在我們的心中,而我們在生命中已經受到很多老師的指導與幫助,今天早上的練習就是要打開自己去記得與榮耀我們的老師,雙手合掌胸前靜坐,pause and remember自己的老師,這麼多老師已經培養了美好的信仰,這些人看到我們所看不到的,而且相信我們所作得到的,open up to remember,and find out the full讓一切更飽滿,我們學習如何去尊重與愛自己,記得與榮耀真正的老師是在我們的內在,三聲OM開始,今天大家的聲音已經很和諧了,然後是三次Anusara Innovcation,take the true teacher within and without, we bow, Namaste。

下犬式開始,每天第一個下犬式都超過三分鐘,感覺呼吸的流動,the first principle is open up and feel,we will remember where are we came from,記得是誰幫助我們來到這裡,Step forward Uttanasana,steady the legs,表現我們所知道的穩定,這是有規律的想要知道自己的意圖,remember the teachers,他們幫助而且相信我們,吸氣延伸,吐氣前彎,重覆三次,兩手插腰,Shoulders back, steady your effort, clear in begin剛開始時就很清晰,我們不等待,就像我們只有one moment, one chance, we got to be steady, fullness完全的飽滿,大腿往後、肩膀往後,feel the power and root down,吸氣起身兩手往上、手臂伸直,吐氣前彎,吸氣延伸,jump Chaturanga all the way back 停留5個深呼吸 (今天已經比較早開始後跳了,是強度增強的前兆),趴下兩腳分開、腳背放平,you play your body precision,順位的表現就是我們意圖intention的表現,小腿往中間集中,手掌抓地,Shoulders back, make your elbows go higher to the sky, inhale cobra, power the body send the remembers, pull the arms so shoulders back, exhale downward dog, 這時Patrick要求Chops翻譯要更快些,他說學生已經they are tired and stiff,''faster the translate'', look forward jump to the top, ''See that's the stiff.'' Patrick又說給Chops聽,當翻譯可真不容易啊,exhale bow, steady your legs, hands on hips, tights back, shoulders back, feel the muscle in the upper back,肩膀在心的後面,吸氣往上兩手伸直,吐氣兩手合十胸前。完成第一段拜日式。

''OM Namah Shivaya'' The true teacher is within, the first principle is to open up and listen deep inside to all the teaching we been given,吸氣兩手往上伸直,吐氣前彎,吸氣起身 jump Chaturanga肩膀往後後趴下,身體兩側與肋骨兩側拉長,肩膀往後Cobra,心要持續溶化,脊椎往內融化在上背,保持手的穩定,上背肌肉集中,吐氣趴下,腳趾勾把膝蓋伸直,Patrick說這是規律的練習,就是我們要當一個學生,了解我們在學習甚麼,我們是瑜珈的學生,榮耀這個練習,大腿往後、腳穩定,推成Chaturanga go up停留5個深呼吸,推到下犬式,前跳回手中間,吐氣前彎,吸氣起身,上兩手伸直,吐氣兩手合十胸前。完成第二段拜日式。

Pause and remember,the first principle is coming steady and remember,讓身體飽滿,tights back, shoulders back, 第三段拜日式inhale straight up, exhale bow forward, inhale prepare, exhale jump Chaturanga, move shoulders back, upper dog inhale, bend the elbows and melt the heart, melt upper back more, everybody bends elbows more, 手抓地讓能量從手臂往上,keep elbows bend and shoulders back,手肘往外張開離開身體兩側,squeeze your outer shoulders back, exhale downward dog, all the way back。

右腳往前Warrior I,Inhale arms up, exhale hands on your hips, pause, inner body bright, the first principle just remember inner body bright, side body long, soften your skin, 要記得謙卑的感覺,有很多偉大的老師為了我們已經作了很多偉大的練習,be steady, shoulders back, arm bone back, 不是只有一點點,要完全的付出,肩胛骨在心的後面,scoop the tail bone down, lean back, shoulders back more, exhale arms over head, arms straight just like handstand, exhale Chaturanga, shoulders back, inhale upper dog, again bend your elbows little bit, soften, now squeeze the shoulders back, straight the arms straight, exhale downward dog, step your right foot forward Warrior I,換邊重複。Patrick說我們今天會流很多汗,哇哀鴻遍野~~~才上課20分鐘就預告...Patrick還說流汗其實是排毒效應,只有我們對練習的付出,才會讓這間教室熱起來,讓內在的內心像火一樣燃燒,inner body bright, side body long, arm bonds back, is just like cobra, upper back steady, the power of body is down the legs,上半身再拉長,exhale Chaturanga, inhale upper dog, hands firm, exhale downward dog push all the way back, steady arms, grab the hands, look forward, bend your knees and jump to the top, exhale bow。

Put your hands to the floor, 手掌完全的貼地(21:26待續)
