2008年5月3日 星期六

P1341 Yoga Restorative: The Healing Effects of Restful Asana/Patrick (90min)

晚上六點Yoga Restorative,上課之前,很多同學會先在教室內休息,就像Yin一樣,我們不想睡的同學就在教室外面等著聊聊天,沒想到Patrick早15分鐘就來了,把門推開時看到裏面漆黑一片,在我旁邊用很戲劇化的聲音與表情說It's a dark cave...哈哈哈,周公都笑跑了啦。

這節課每個人需要二塊磚與一條伸展帶,不過後來其實伸展帶沒用上。Patrick說這節課是Restorative Yoga Practice,他先問大家誰上過Ashtanga Vinyasa? 他說不會有Trouble,就舉手就是了,哈哈,Hot Yoga? Power Yoga? Hatha Yoga? Anusara Yoga? Yin Yoga? 他說除了Yin Yoga之外,其他都是主動性的伸展,active stretching require effort,他突然說有同學面露不認同的神色,哈哈哈,需要擴張能力才能吸收receive,我們主動的去開發神經系統,而Restorative Yoga每個人都會練習,就是每節課最後的Savasana,這是我們最常練習的,You surrender to your body,all the efforts dissolved,讓神經系統calms down,心跳會降下來,can receive all different quality energy at the time,Restorative Yoga就是要Restore energy and health,這是退一步的練習,是calming and quiet practice,each pose will hold few minutes all the time,有些動作像是前彎或是後彎,會專注在身體的某個部分,但整個練習是專注在身體的整個系統,act for surrendering是個臣服的練習,去接受能量,所以在停留的時間裏盡量不要動,要移動時要慢慢的移動,大部份的時間眼睛都是閉起來的。

先兩腳交叉坐姿,兩手合掌胸前、眼睛閉上,這是第一個動作,soften the flow to the energy in your body today,他說Restorative yoga just like any yoga practice,動作還是需要technique技巧性,connected deeper with our own heart,soften to feel your heart beat,靜坐三分鐘後三聲OM。

兩腳膝蓋張開與墊子一樣寬,額頭碰地、兩手往前伸直,Child Pose,Patrick說Life is a flow energy,Life is like a wave will goes up and goes down,A yoga is a wonderful practice of learning to go flow with life,so we practice strong, and we practice soft,我們去打開接受不同的能量,We open to the light and to the dark, and we learn to trust the flow every time,瑜珈被視為神聖的練習已經有幾千年的歷史,the great yogi discovery the technique of connecting to the flow,他們很驚奇,並且持續這項神聖的練習,如同我們視神聖一般,瑜珈就像個神聖的盒子box或是門doorway一樣,今天就是要教我們怎麼打開這一扇神聖的門,we use yoga to unlock the door and use the door to see the flow of life,we bow and honor 這份神聖的藝術art,用說的很難形容這項能量,需要自己親自體驗,道德經曾經提到如果任何字眼能夠用講的、就不能算是神聖的字眼,因此無法完全的說明,但是可以給我們一個方向,因此瑜珈練習不是給我們source of life,而是告訴我們去尋找source of life的方向,與大自然連結的時候、我們必須完全的沉靜,we use asana to build the shape,打開內心那扇門去看到自己的心,然後開始與吐氣連結,讓slow exhale把意識慢慢融化,停留六分鐘後,用手掌撐地慢慢起身。

雙腳交叉往後坐,右腳跟在左腳跟前,use your hand to widen your seat,手放大腿上方、閉上眼睛,focus on your flow of exhale,when you exhale, repeat the mantra in mind,當吐氣的時候、在腦海中想著吐氣(偶而不小心有點ZZZzzz~晃~),一會兒重複提醒當失去意識力集中的時候,重複吐氣的時候想著吐氣(可能發現很多人開始搖~搖~晃~晃~~),很神聖但也是很簡單的,靜坐其實不到四分鐘說~

然後拿塊磚橫放立起just above the shoulder blade,across the upper back,and lie down,躺下頭放在地上,Patrick說you can put a towel behind your head if you like,I hope you can find the position,when you lie back, you can actually wiggle buns close to the block to make the back arch deeper,when you wiggle or walk your buns close to the block, you will feel your thighs drop down to the floor easier,your thighs actually will help you that will relax the nerve system,the heart beat will calm。這個動作該不算是很好睡的,沒想到我竟然恍神好幾次,這樣也能睡喔...哈哈,Patrick提醒雙腳要持續放鬆relax your legs,once again, focus on the flow of exhale,我們學習生命完全放鬆、就像我們學習身體完全不用力一樣,yoga can teach us how to connect the gentle flow energy you have here,when you relax we learn how to engage,我們是有意識的放鬆when we relax, we relax the intention,the connection the deepest of the earth與身體的內在緊密結合,this is different than the fall asleep in the couch when watching TV,we relax the intention actually we quiet deep into the experience of ourself,we look in ourself we see the view deep and bright power right inside,有些人享受主動的強烈練習,有的人享受calm and quiet,the flow of life is full生命的能量是完整的,生命所有的流動包括所有的一切,不只是靈性,也不只是natural itself,不是只有最喜歡的地方,all beings are equal in the flow,like sun rises in the east and shine deeper,our practice yoga is a window to open honor the heart,no matter what you did,focus the flow when you exhale,soften to the great power they give us a life,be feel the restore of the surrendering of life itself,this is incredible well energy cool into us even just a little bit生命不可思議的能量就像井水一樣,intend the desire and intention to connect with the source不要忘記自己對於這些與自然連結的渴望,我們不是想要擁有source of life,而是透過瑜珈練習了解它的存在並與之連結connect with,be like water, soften to the flow,flow every part of body,benefit all parts,align the life,去感覺大地的觸碰touch,mediate in the heart,notice the flow of exhale,stay connected to the power,this is relationship,our natural, our body is great flow in the life,it's so simple and it's so sacred,這個動作停留了12分鐘(難怪不好睡也好睡了)。

然後用手肘撐地把磚塊移開,慢慢躺回地板,head, arms, thighs even to the middle,all parts equally to help you relax,our yoga is teaching us all the relationship,the restore practice is to teach us how to surrender,outer to be soft and sensitive,really teach us how to receive,when you have nothing to do,just soften your heart, open your mind and allow the nerve system to cure you,we all learn from younger ago how to work hard,老師也知道大家很努力、也願意付出,you guys are really incredible,we learn to soften our heart,就像我們放柔的去抱一個a little baby or puppy,you soften the energy in order to share the love放柔能量去分享我們的愛,if we come out a strong energy如果我們太強烈,也許這隻小狗反而會scare and run away,our own hearts sometimes like that我們的心就像這樣子,so we learn how to be strong when we be strong,but we also practice to softening to flow of life, softening is the great power,我們要認知生命是完整的,it's not some time but all the time,停留約四分鐘後從右側推地起身。

接下來是下犬式,有些動作需要a little effort,但還是restorative practice,把Block放在額頭下方,還開玩笑的說要glue在額頭上,哈哈,磚塊的位置可以調整到讓自己可以relax,可以實驗一下磚塊要放的高度、只要不擠壓到頸部,如果一個磚塊不夠、可以把兩塊磚塊相疊墊高,then let your forehead rest now,他說磚塊輕微的pressure可以讓我們慢慢冷靜下來,cooling is the quality of surrender,when your heart on fire,有強烈阻力的時候,這個練習可以讓心靜下來。然後再次認知吐氣時的流動,讓吸氣與吐氣的感覺放掉no effort,just notice it is flow,停留六分鐘後,膝蓋跪地。

到墊子前端,臀部坐在腳跟內側Virasana,先feel一下自己臀部與大腿的感覺,如果臀部與大腿能與大地連結更深的話,calm energy能更容易讓心情寧靜下來,然後拿一塊磚放在Sitting Bone下方坐好(有的同學可能需要二塊磚),手放大腿上、閉上眼睛靜坐,feel the flow when you exhale,吐氣的時候在腦海中默唸著吐氣,讓大腿與骨盆變沉重與大地連結become heavier connected with the earth,三分鐘後把磚塊拿開,先用雙手把大腿往外拉寬再坐下,然後依序手肘、肩膀慢慢躺下Supta Virasana,同樣可以把towel或是block放在下背部當作支撐,by slowing down, we learn how to stop, we learn how to be still, by practicing silence, we learn how to hear the sounds, we learn how to hear the messages come from, the flow is from our heart, we practice stillness and silence, to hear the message and listen our heart, 去感覺每個時刻神聖的元素,we learn how to honor our inner heart, from the stillness, inner light shining brighter內在亮光越來越明顯,我們的靈性spirit and soul越來越成長,It is the flow is always here, we are the lucky guys without seeing有時候我們好像看到祂、卻不知道祂的存在,we hearing that without listening, we've been touching it without feeling, so we stop when we take pause當我們暫停或是腳步放慢時、我們慢慢會看到,the flow always present能量永遠都在現場,停留四分鐘後慢慢起身。

往前兩腳交叉坐下,兩腳往前伸直躺下into Savasana position,慢慢的練習安靜的意識,所有的聲音都不會打亂我們的心,停留二分鐘,右腳彎抱靠近胸口,扭轉向左邊,把磚塊放在右腳膝蓋下方,臀部再往右邊方向帶,後來我感覺有人幫我(不知道是Patrick還是Chops)在右腳腳踝下也放了磚塊,也就是把扭轉的程度減弱,這樣能更舒服的放鬆,停留四分鐘後come back to center,換邊重複,需要的話可以把磚塊再墊高一些。

回正慢慢推地起身,兩腳成蝴蝶式,把磚塊放在兩腳膝蓋的下方,再重新慢慢躺下,讓膝蓋慢慢往下放,不要到最深展的程度,soft the inner side,create space and accept the flow,慢慢放鬆意志力。只有吐氣的流動,surrender臣服在偉大的力量,停留七分鐘後,用手幫忙,把左腳膝蓋也倒向右側,但是左腳往左一些讓左腳放在地上,形狀沒有改變太多,手與肩膀同樣往後,supported twist,停留二分鐘後換邊重複,左腳膝蓋下方還是放著磚塊。然後把兩腳膝蓋移往中間,兩腳伸直Savasana shape,connecting to the flow of exhale,connection to the center,往身體中間順位、去了解自己的身體,this is restoring,知道我們中心的存在,allow the position of the body to be a gateway open the flow of heart,我們對於過去的認知有時候是非常有挑戰性的,我們對於過程的認知是有點模糊的,我們的心的能量與脈動一直都存在,we just require simply listen,要能暫停去傾聽,keep us full,in willing to surrender empty like this願意像這樣完全的臣服,keep us full,it's like yin and yang就像陰陽的連結,we empty out and we receive the full of life我們掏空然後能接受生命的完整性,有時我們主動的讓能量將我們掏空allow our energy empty us,the practice is a technique of learning all sides, all colors of rainbow,停留四分鐘後倒向右側推地起身。

從墊子後方把mat捲起來,或是想坐在磚塊上也可以,坐高時讓大腿與臀部都能更沉重的往下,右腳跟在左腳跟前方,兩腳腳跟在身體的中心線,用雙手將坐骨拉寬,感覺大腿往下沉重,下背往內往外,close eyes to feel the knowing our heart is free, we are free no where to go我們是自由的、沒有地方要去,感受在心的家裏面,自由但是沒有地方要去的感覺,這是一種bless祝福。靜坐三分鐘後,Patrick說OM是最偉大的脈動,it is the sound connects everything to everything, om is the sound of flow, ''for two minutes we will chant the sound of om, we surrender to the connection from our heart to all the heart, let your voice overlap'',讓聲音重疊成為很漂亮的循環。

無聲的繼續靜坐二分鐘,然後把捲起的墊子鬆開final Savasana, create comfortable shape of your body,可以用毛巾放在下背部,或是用毛巾蓋住眼睛,Patrick說our understanding of past sometimes dizzy,我們對於過去的了解有時是很模糊的,有時候用這些挑戰讓我們去了解這些練習的用意,to knowing our heart is always there我們心裏面的認知永遠存在,當心放軟或是溶化時,我們學會與生命的流動連結we feel the flow of life,we return the space deep inside我們回到心靈深處內在的空間,這個練習是幫助我們跟心靈深處連結,now we dissolve the technique and just trust and flow。Patrick說In order to learn how to go the flow in life, we must learn first how surrender to its full power。七分鐘後without disturbing the flow, please open your breath, notice you don't need to do anything, just open to it, enjoy deep flow of your flow, feel your body when you begin to move your fingers,享受toes細微的移動,兩手往上,手腳上下延伸,側躺在右側地板停留,再用手慢慢推地起身。

最後一次兩腳交叉坐下,兩手幫忙把大腿拉寬,感覺心跳與呼吸的順暢度,此時有自然的能量流動在體內,我們花了很多時間在作這些activities,我們不是很主動、也不是在睡覺,因為在這兩者中是有空間的,peace and calm of our heart心中有平靜的地方,透過這種感覺我們會認知有很美麗的感覺在這裏面,兩手合掌胸前,不管我們接收到甚麼,即使接收到的是sleep tonight (哈哈),我們感恩,讓我們把感恩奉獻出來,信任我們的心,打開接受流動時,我們會接收到我們所需要的,sing a soft om to close,Namaste後下課。You are free to go. 哈哈~
