2008年5月30日 星期五

P1387 (待續)TT Morning Intensive 24-5/Patrick (120min)

今天星期五是個大晴天,Patrick說英語中有句話Thanks God is Friday,no need to translate大家都能了解,不過接下來要等翻譯時,Chops等了好幾秒才說話,Patrick還問他是否需要咖啡(其實他是在等一個比較完整的句子,當翻譯是很不容易的,我們都可以理解),哈哈~Patrick說有位瑜珈修行者寫了很多有關瑜珈的書,對於瑜珈經他有自己的見解,經過很多年的思考與審思,他說瑜珈是要追求快樂的一條路,練習的傳統就是找到內在深層最大的快樂,May we all remember that,打開內心深層像浪潮般完整的快樂,從內在打開自己,讓星期五的陽光spread out,三聲OM與三次Anusara Innovation開始,向我們今天的happiness鞠躬,namaste開始。


雙人練習開始互握同側的手腕,lean back, walk feet back手臂伸直,蹲低重心往後,伸展身體的側面,再換邊。

站在墊子前端,line your feet up, fold your hand, we begin once again, let our mind, heart, body all join, it take some efforts on seven在早晨七點需要一些努力,今天要作15次Surya Namaskara,please stand tall inside your body站高、內在身體飽滿,inner body bright, 外在的身體朝向happiness,讓內在快樂的感覺亮出來,讓渴望放柔,side body long,手臂骨上端往後,肩胛骨往內溶化。

第一趟拜日式inhale stretch your arms over head, exhale bow and all the way down, inhale life yourself half way pause, step or jump plank pose, slowly bend and lie down, point your feet,肩膀順位,foundation is the principle we check in and align something bigger, hug in the center, inhale curl up, curl and steady, soften the feeling of your heart, happiness deep deep inside, sometimes we soften to allow to recognize, the pulse of happiness inside, melt your heart, curl your head, curl and look up, exhale downward dog, spread your fingers straight your arms, stand on your toes and bend your knee a little bit, check your feet parallel, do chins in , thighs out腰身拉長,保持這一切雙腳慢慢伸直,heels down, full stretch, look forward, bend your knees, and jump to the top, exhale bow, straight legs, thighs back, 保持核心core穩定,hand on the hips, shoulder blades away back from your heart心帶到肩胛骨的後面,arm bone back, and feel pulse of your heart, as you stand down to the legs從心往上提,inhale arms over head, hook your thumbs, stretch your whole body, don't lean back,維持在中間,悅性,experience the happy inside感覺內在快樂的流動,stand the whole body。

第二趟拜日式exhale bow, all the way down touch the floor, inhale prepare, jump to plank pose, plank pose arms straight down, shapes different (from Chaturanga), and so do the feeling, Chaturanga is completely different, slowly lie down, point your feet, relief your body to the earth, and you will feel the shift能量的流動,it's stable, stable than you are, be open to the power,允許大地的能量扶持我們,讓我們能更穩定,可以感覺內在快樂的脈動,內在的脈動是改變的,bow your head, straight your legs, and curl up, melt your upper back, soften the upper back上背溶化讓脊椎再往前帶,透過手抓地的力量穩定,讓肩膀再往後帶,exhale downward dog all the way back, spread your fingers,讓手與腳啟發,看前面膝蓋彎jump, steady legs, and exhale bow, stand on your finger tip,手往前走到肩膀的下面,當手肘往外張開的時候,side body long,手臂骨往後,讓心溶化更多,當一個地方穩定,另外一個地方就是自由的。

第三趟拜日式inhale half way, Chaturanga jump back, upper dog inhale, firm your hands, exhale all the way back, bend your knee, look forward and jump, exhale and bow, steady legs, inhale rise all the way up, stretch your arms up, exhale arms down, fold your palms, pause and remember, remember we seek the happiness,非常好的機會,我們都在尋找最深層的快樂,不是應該每個人都這樣的嗎?我們有不同的旅程path,to find the truth。

第四趟拜日式inhale stretch up, exhale bow all the way down, inhale prepare, Chaturanga hop back, shoulders pull arms more, upper dog inhale, bend your elbows a little bit, melt your upper back, take arm bone back deeper, widen the shoulder, curl your head back, downward dog exhale, look forward, bend your knees and jump, all the way, steady legs, exhale bow, steady legs, inhale up, all the way up, exhale arm down, fold your palms, open yourself to bigger and deeper inside happiness, 相信練習可以幫助打開肩膀與我們的心,有打開去接受的力量。

第五趟拜日式inhale stretch up, exhale bow forward, inhale prepare, exhale Chaturanga, upper dog inhale curl, and shine your heart brightening, downward dog all the way, Patrick突然說不要一直看鏡子,鏡子會讓我們分心distract,alignment順位是從內在的,當我們有順位的時候需要更擴張expend,也許這個時候你需要鏡子check,一下子就好,不要永遠看著鏡子,look forward, bend your knee and jump, all the way up, exhale bow, feel the weight of your body, squeeze to the middle, straight your legs, and push your heel down, inhale rise up, come all the way up, stretch up, arms down exhale, fold the palms, inner body bright, soften from outside, melt to the earth。

第六趟拜日式inhale go up, all the way up, exhale all the way down touch the earth, inhale prepare grab your hands lift your chin, Chaturanga step or jump exhale, inhale upper facing dog, thighs back, scoop your tail bone, exhale all the way up, bend your knees a little bit, check the feet, parallel the feet, toes add more juice to the legs, hug in, chins in more to the middle line, and thighs go back apart, look forward, grab your hands more, more muscle energy to your arms,手腕、手肘與肩膀再往上提,尤其手臂內側要完全的往上提,當手臂往上提的時候,thighs go back apart,再把腳完全的伸直,透過心把手完全往下推,downward dog all the way back, look ward, bend your knee and jump, hip high, exhale and bow, thighs move back, into more body,將意識帶到身體裏面,我們尋找心裏深層的快樂,steady leg, inhale rise up, all the way up, hook your thumbs, full stretch, feel good, exhale arm down, fold your palms,感覺好feel good是好的行為的證明,有些事情搞不好不是這樣子,不過允許自己感覺好也是瑜珈練習的一部分,smile!


