2008年11月2日 星期日

P1645 Kirtan/Karina (60min)


Wikipedia 定義 Kirtan is call-and-response chanting performed in India's devotional traditions,今天也是用call-and-response的方式練習梵唱。由於只有一小時的時間,所以主要教唱,詞意的部分請同學自行參閱發下的講義,當然也能課後請教老師。Karina說跟練習體位法一樣,剛接觸梵唱時對於發音或是旋律都會覺得難以適應或學習,但只要常常接觸就會習慣了,所以如果可能的話,可以放下講義,用聽的方式去學習熟悉,就跟體位法練習一樣,照著模仿慢慢再注意重點精細化,自然就能熟能生巧了。

TT的晨間練習時加過幾次梵唱內容,因此今天大部份的梵唱我都還算熟悉。Karina選了Guru Prayer、Jaya Shiva Shankara、Yamuna Teera Vihari、Shambho Mahadeva、Bhajo Raadhe Krishna、Kali Ma(還加了「觀音」Ma喔)、還有大家都很熟悉的Loka samasta sukhino bhavantu。

Guru Prayer
Gurur Brahmaa Gurur Vishnuh
Gurur Devo Maheshwarah
Guru Saakshaat Param Brahma
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha

Guru is the Creator, The Protector
And the Great Lord (Shiva who destroys the negative tendencies in us)
The Guru himself is the Supreme Being, Salutations to the Guru.

Jaya Shiva Shankara
Jaya Shiva Shankara Bhum Bhum Hara Hara (*2)
Hara Hara Hara Hara Hara Bol Hare (*2)
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Adi Sundara
Hara Hara Hara Hara Hara Adi Sundara
Hey Parameshwara Daya Karo

Yamuna Teera Vihari
Yamuna Teera Vihari
Govardhana Ghiri Dhari
Gopala Krishna Murari

Who sports at the banks of Yamuna river
Who moves in Vrindavan
Who lifted the Govardhana mountaion
He is Gopala (protector of the cows), Destroyer of demon Mura.

Dasaratha Nandana Ram Ram
Dasamukha Mardana Ram Ram
Pasupati Ranjana Ram Ram
Papa Vimochana Ram Ram

Ram is the son of Dasaratha.
Ram is the destroyer of ten-headed Ravana.
Ram is the delight of Lord Siva.
Ram is the dispeller of all sins.

Mani Maya Bhooshana Ram Ram
Manjula Bhashana Ram Ram
Rana Jaya Bheeshana Ram Ram
Raghu Kula Bhooshana Ram Ram

The Ram who is adorned with jewels
That Ram whose speech is so melodious
Victorious on the battlefield, who is a terror
On the battle field, who is the crest jewel of the Raghu clan

Shambho Mahadeva
Shambho Mahadeva Chandra chuda
Sankara Samba Sadasiva

Ganga Dhara Hara Kailasa Vaasa
Pahimaam Parvati Ramana

Bhajo Raadhe Krishna
Bhajo Raadhe Krishna, Bhajo Raadhe Shyama (2X)
Soham, Soham, Soham Sivoham (2X)
Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Om (2X)
I am that I am, I am that I am (2X)
I am neither body nor mind, Immortal Self I am (2X)
I am not this body, this body is not mine,
I am not this mind, this mind is not mine.
I am not this prana, this prana is not mine,
I am not these senses, these senses are not mine.
I am not this intellect, this intellect is not mine,
I am not these emotions, these emotions are not mine.
I am that I am, I am that I am, I am that I am, I am that I am
I am Satchidananda, Satchidananda, Satchidananda, Satchidananda
Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute, Satchidananda.

Kali Ma
kali ma kali ma kali ma kali ma (3)
be with me... set me free...

Loka samasta sukhino bhavantu


下課後我們忙著拍照,Heidi也教完Gentle Flow上來了,她說她本來對上課同學推銷有梵唱課程,但同學們對於「唱歌」似乎有些迷惑,哈哈哈,跟我老公一樣,不解為什麼我一定堅持要上到今天這節梵唱課,這是真正喜歡的人才懂得心情吧~~不過我很乖滴,下午體位法的課程全部取消,老公一通電話來,就趕快下課後陪家人度週末囉。
