2006年3月31日 星期五







本書在關於瑜珈與東方哲學的歷史與技術的陳述中,摻入作者的生活瑣事……在私我的點滴追憶中,結合了言述的瑜珈論述,讓瑜珈變得具有高度可讀性且令人躍躍欲試。-出版人週報(Publishers Weekly)

瑜珈並不是僅不斷追尋名師學習各種不同的體位法,瑜珈也不僅是一種社交活動,真正的瑜珈是在生活中找到寧靜、和諧,與安詳。...克莉絲蒂的《生活瑜珈》是每一個瑜珈修練者所必須珍藏的書架書,參考書,更是咖啡桌書。 -悅日人 朱平這本書完整講述了關於瑜珈生活的各個面向,從印度古經文的了解、飲食、思想,到居家佈置,透過克莉絲蒂個人生活經驗的描繪,親切易讀且充滿趣味。我特別推薦給誠摯追求瑜珈生活的人。」

這本書的英文原名Living Yoga: Creating A Life Practice,網路上也能找到Editorial Reviews
From Publishers Weekly:「Supermodel Turlington, whose angelic face has graced the pages of Vogue, Elle and other fashion glossies since the 1980s, has lately been lending her image to a more profound pursuit: yoga. The 33-year-old has been practicing yoga for 15 years, has her own yoga clothing line, is a Yoga Journal contributing editor, and-with the publication of this book-becomes the first mainstream celebrity to write a book about yoga and how it's affected her life. There's a lot to digest here, between the historical and technical explanations about yoga and Eastern philosophy and the anecdotal asides from Turlington's life, but the book's clean, Zen-like layout and simple prose help make it accessible. Turlington's aim is to help students who may be overwhelmed by the unlimited information available on yoga and to emphasize reasons to practice that go beyond getting a nice butt. She attempts to understand yoga's universal spiritual appeal, examining the basics of Hinduism (Turlington is a practicing Catholic), and draws parallels between chanting and saying the rosary. She shares a bit of personal information about her modeling career, her father's death from lung cancer and her relationship with her sisters, and includes the obligatory photographs of her scantily clad self doing salamba sirsasana (headstand) and bakasana (crow pose). The combination of serious yoga talk with memoir-like reminiscences make for an engrossing and inspiring overview of yoga.Copyright 2002 Reed Business Information, Inc. 」(來源:http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0786868066/qid=1143793010/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/102-3768443-4623340?s=books&v=glance&n=283155)


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