2006年5月15日 星期一

P047 Power 2/Yograj (90min)


今天這節大概是我上過Yograj最簡單的一節課,因為就是Vinyasa Flow加上一些Arm Balance的動作。上課的同學15個,但程度約Intermediate,老師或許也因為這樣降低了難度吧。

以金剛跪三聲OM與Chanting開始這節課,Tiger Stretch50次,大熊貓還原。然後就是Vinyasa,大概連續作了十幾次,中間加上一些體位法,Warrior I & II、半月式、單腳抬高劈腿(老師把我拉到筆直,快失去平衡了~)、樹式的側平抬、Side Chair等,平衡只有一種,就是單腳往前拉伸直、再往旁側拉後彎。還有一個平抬是對側的手腳同時離地。

Arm Balance就是Side Crow & Crane、Bird。比較特別的是用Boat練習腹部動作,把手腳都往外打開併攏、再反轉各五圈。坐姿用立掌將臀部抬起,兩腳交疊再交換,第二次用拳頭撐、第三次用手掌,最後要把臀部與兩腳都同時撐起。只有蝴蝶式算是有拉筋一點,今天還真的都沒有太多伸展的動作。


9 則留言:

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我想請問你一下,什麼時候你認為一個學生可以開始嘗試進階的課程啊? 是應先學會較有程度的體位法嗎? 像倒立,輪式啦等等,這些我都還不會啦,或是體力夠,想學新的就試試呢?


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Lucy 提到...

昨天早上我上Julie的Hatha 1 一樣有帶輪式,其實如果對特別的體位法有興趣,可早一點跟老師提,這樣就會安排在課堂裡。

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Lucy 不好意思,多事幫您貼了過來,再加上ISBN號碼,以後有新書還請您提供分享。:)


"我手上最重要的瑜珈體位法參考書就是"Light on Yoga"(ISBN:0-8052-1031-8),這是B.K.S. Iyengar在1966年首刷的書,我看過市面上那麼多的體位法的書,都沒有一本能超越這本書的成就,此書被譽為"The Bible of Modern Yoga",真是當之無愧。出版者介紹本書的內容為 "The definitive guide to the philosophy and practice of Yoga—the ancient healing discipline for body and mind—by its greatest living teacher. Light on Yoga provides complete descriptions and illustrations of all the positions and breathing exercises. Features a foreword by Yehudi Menuhin. Illustrations throughout. "

另外一本體位法的推薦書是David Swenson的 "Ashtanga Yoga The Practice Manual: A Simplified Guide for Daily Practice"(ISBN:1-891252-08-9),相信練習Ashtanga Yoga的人必定都是人手一冊,視之為瑰寶。出版者介紹本書的內容為 "This is the most "User-Friendly" yoga book available! It contains the entire Primary and Intermediate series of Ashtanga Yoga with three options for every asana. Spiral bound to easily remain open while practicing, it contains over 650 photos with clear instructions and commentary. A great book for all levels of practitioners to enjoy. Teachers will find it to be an invaluable tool to share with their students. "

當然Sri K. Pattabhi Jois的 "Yoga Mala" (ISBN:0-86547-662-4)也是Ashtanga Yoga必讀的書,出版者介紹本書為"Long before there was a yoga boom, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois brought Ashtanga yoga to the West. The flowing, energetic movement of this yoga tradition has made it the most widespread and popular of styles in the United States today. Yoga Mala, which in Sanskrit means "a garland of yoga practice," presents the Ashtanga yoga both as a philosophical and ethical system and a fulfilling physical activity. Serious yet accessible, this treatise presents a trustworthy guide to an increasing popular system."

另外Yoga Journal出版的 "YOGA" (ISBN:0-88363-511-9)一書厚達450餘頁,集所有體位法精美圖片大成,是我最愛不釋手的瑜珈畫冊。出版者的介紹為"Yoga's 5,000-year tradition is rich and varied, and has always evolved to meet the needs of the culture it serves. Ever increasing numbers of people come to the practice and encounter its many benefits: the union of opposites; an understanding of the effect of the outside world on the body; a significant reduction in stress; a path to liberation; and the discovery of one's true self. Above all else, yoga has been and continues to be about the process of transformation. Linda Sparrowe discusses yoga's roots in the sacred texts and provides a look at the 20th-century yogis who brought it to the West - Swami Sivananda Saraswati, Indra Devi, and B. K. S. Iyengar, to name a few. Four hundred artful posture-illustrating photographs of the most famous yoga practitioners, including Rodney Yee, Patricia Walden, Sharon Gannon, David Life, and Richard Freeman, pull the reader ever closer to this powerful practice."

B.K.S. Iyengar 於2004年10月出版的新書 "Light on Life ~ The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom",是集合Iyengar大師一生對於瑜珈的見解,透過書店預訂了好久,拿到書的剎那真是高興得無以言喻,如同大師親臨貼身教誨,也是我大力推薦的瑜珈書。出版者介紹本書的內容為 "Light on Life conveys the discoveries from a lifetime of intensive yoga practice, study, and teaching. Mr. Iyengar invites both those new to yoga and those who are experienced practitioners on an Inward Journey designed to increase their physical stability, emotional vitality, mental clarity, intellectual wisdom, and spiritual bliss. As Mr. Iyengar says, the potential for enlightenment lies in the heart of every person, and the yogic journey will illuminate the path.""

還有兩本幫您加上,是您提到過的"ASANAS 608 YOGA POSES"(ISBN:1-57731-402-6)及 "The Art of Yoga" (ISBN:1-58479-207-8)

"Yoga Mala"、"The Art of Yoga"及"Ashtanga Yoga The Practice Manual: A Simplified Guide for Daily Practice" 在某新開的瑜珈中心看到有賣。B.K.S. Iyengar的兩本書"Light on Yoga"及"Light on Life"在Page One及微風廣場內的紀伊國書屋有。另外那本"ASANAS 608 YOGA POSES"我就找不到了。


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不知道大家有沒有覺得,專心學了瑜珈後,好像不容易再排其他的興趣了? 因瑜珈的確需要持續的練習。




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