2006年12月11日 星期一

P418 Power 1/AK (60min)

很久沒上AK的課,今天早上6:45這一節就是Power 1,他的頭髮理得可真短,男生就有這個好處,省錢又方便。

三樓大教室,十個同學,寬敞得很,靜坐後三聲OM不錯。從Ashtanga拜日A及拜日B各三次開始,然後變化式,Utkatasana停留五個深呼吸,臀部再降下、手臂往45度方向、大腿與地板平行停留五個深呼吸,Vinyasa右腳往前Crescent Lunge停留五個深呼吸,Jump Switch。

Vinyasa右腳往前Warrior I 停留五個深呼吸,Warrior II 停留五個深呼吸,直接轉180度反向重複。Side Angle Pose停留五個深呼吸,轉正成Low Lunge,膝蓋再離地反轉Side Angle Pose停留五個深呼吸,Crescent Lunge停留五個深呼吸,反轉,Warrior停留五個深呼吸,直接轉180度反向重複。

Vinyasa,兩腳前後分腿前彎Parsvottanasana雙手背後合十停留五個深呼吸,直接轉180度反向重複。轉回90度兩腳左右分腿前彎Prasarita Padottanasana A兩手撐地停留五個深呼吸,輪流對側手抓腳踝Twist往上看停留五個深呼吸。兩腳腳跟腳尖併攏,站姿平衡Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana A B C各停留五個深呼吸,直接換腳重複。舞蹈式五個深呼吸,換邊重複。

Vinyasa每個動作都停留五個深呼吸,從Plank接Side Plank停留五個深呼吸,直接換腳重複。Vinyasa停下犬式,Dog Split停留五個深呼吸,後腳往前Pigeion,坐正臀部離地停留五個深呼吸,前趴停留五個深呼吸,海狗式停留五個深呼吸,單腳Frog停留五個深呼吸,回下犬式,換腳重複。

趴姿同側手抓腳單弓起身,對側手也離地Hand Mudra,換腳重複,然後是Dhanurasana弓式,回下犬式Vinyasa。

前跳成坐姿Paschimottanasana A扣大拇指前彎停留五個深呼吸,單腳內彎Janu Sirsasana停留五個深呼吸,換腳重複。單腳外翻Triange Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana停留五個深呼吸,第一次膝蓋併攏、第二次膝蓋打開一個拳頭寬,AK說這大概是梵文名稱最長的一個體位法;然後在兩腳間45度角前趴停留五個深呼吸,起身換腳重複。

慢慢躺下Savangasana停留十個深呼吸,Halasana停留十個深呼吸,Karnapidasana停留五個深呼吸,回到Savangasana,手撐腰Supported Bridge停留五個深呼吸,直接撐起Urdhva Dhanurasana停留五個深呼吸,回到地板後,再一次撐起Urdhva Dhanurasana停留五個深呼吸,兩腳交叉滾背起身,再一次Paschimottanasana D手繞過腳底扣手腕前彎。慢慢躺下,單腳彎放在對側地板上,換邊重複後Savasana,起身一聲OM下課,中規中矩的一節Power課。

Yoga Journal有一篇電子報談到「Open up with Pigeon」頗值得參考:
If you're like many students, you might feel as though someone poured superglue into your hip sockets. Modern life requires sitting all day, which keeps your hips from the rotation, flexion, and extension they need to remain agile. Common sports such as running and cycling—and even walking, an everyday activity—demand hip strength, but not flexibility. Stress also creates tension in your body, especially in your hip area. A little stress-induced clenching can really lock them up.

But even if the limited motions of your everyday life don't beg for greater hip flexibility, opening up your hips can be a thoroughly satisfying experience. If you really want to work on this Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (One-Legged King Pigeon Pose) is a great pose. But if you are a beginning student or simply lack the contortionist gene, simple Pigeon Pose is a great place to start.

The pose typically starts with the torso upright, but slowly leaning forward and bringing your arms and torso to the floor provides a release that, for some students, no other pose can provide.

Make sure you don't overdo it—an injury due to overstretching could undo months of hip-opening work. Take things slowly, and when you feel comfortable, start working toward Eka Pada Rajakapotasana. You will develop a newfound flexibility—but what's more important, it just feels good!
